Chapter 46/Next morning my leg is better but I am not

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A/N Anyone else overwhelmed by remote school work? RK&Reb.

Next day:

Sabria's personal quarters in the Alpha's Palace some 1,000 miles above the Earth's surface. 

The next morning my leg was better, but I wasn't.

"I can't believe I came up with all that," I said still embarrassed to Victoria. She came into my bedroom. Pandora came in and took off the machine which had been wrapped around my leg all night. I had to sleep with it on. It was like sleeping with deranged mechanical Pekingese wrapped around my calf. My head was both clearer and wishing it wasn't as clear as it was. At least I could think straight now the anti-pain induction wore off. Although if I was being honest, my straight thinking would be how could I go straight to an industrial metal press and stop out this banging in my head.

"You better believe it," Victoria said to me. She sat down on the side of the bed. It was quite a large bed and the whole room just shouted 'style' at the top of its voice. In reality, it was a rather shrill voice I wish I could turn down.

"So am I?" I asked, rubbing my leg.

"Are you what?" Victoria said, looking around. I think she was looking for a drink.

"Am I pregnant.? I mean."

Victoria was slightly sober at this point. She looked around while she considered things for a second. "Well, if I was Sabrina and I discovered while I had been tied up in chains my husband to go around telling everyone I was pregnant. I might get a little mad. Especially if I had to pretend I was pregnant just to come through on some stupid statement my stand-in said. I would get very mad."

I looked at her "So..."

"So that's a yes." Victoria said "total cover on the not changing to werewolf form front. Cast iron excuse not to change."

This was true, but normally they were stuck in Wolf form. How did I know that? Well, I had a huge amount of unnecessary info-crud in my head.

There was a silence between us.

I look at her. Victoria looked back at me. I look at her again.

"Yes?" said Victoria.

"So where is the baby shower?" I said. "I think I'm owed."

Bex comes in from the concubine entrance.

"Owed what?" She asked not deviating her eyesight from the small sheet of glass Pandora gave her. She put her finger on the glass and pushed it around randomly.

"Baby shower," I said.

"Ohhh," said Bex sitting down on the side of the bed and ignoring me "right. Baby shower. Cool. So what kind of apps do babies like?"

Victoria stood up and shrugged, "I know this sounds like I have a work ethic and I hate the thought, but I really need to find Sabrina."

"Really?" said Bex.

"I guess whoever has got her has seen the news by now," Victoria said.

"Speaking of News" Bex said, "check out the live broadcast."

Bex made a gesture and filled the wall with a news channel. It was showing shots of me being carried by the Alpha up the stairs into the palace. The video of me was being commentated on by a number of 'influencers' who had been invited into a news studio.

"Kitrina" The newscaster said in Werewolf "this has been described by Tholan Elonso as a bit tear jerky, what do you think?"

Before Kitrina could say anything the newscaster jumped in, "I have to stop you there we are getting some urgent information coming through." The newscaster put a finger to her ear. "It sounds like there has been an unprovoked and massive attack on the Deep Claw pack fleet. Thousands of ships are destroyed or are on fire. Kitrina what is your initial view of the devastating shock news?"

The Alpha's concubine (Girl x Werewolf)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن