Chapter 10/A coconut, a pig, a doll and a miniature plastic car.

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A/N OK this is just back one level in the flashback stack. So the Alien ships has just arrived a week ago. Emma is in her teens. We are starting with a genuine quote from Wikipedia (  if you want to fact check. )  

" The Sentinelese (also called the Sentineli or North Sentinel Islanders) are the indigenous people of North Sentinel Island in the Andaman Islands of India. One of the Andamanese people, they resist contact with the outside world. They are one of the last uncontacted peoples, although like all of today's so-called uncontacted people they have a history of limited contact..

...In early 1974, a film crew went to the North Sentinel island with a team of anthropologists filming a documentary, Man in Search of Man[citation needed]. The team was accompanied by armed police officers. When the motorboat broke through the barrier reefs, locals emerged from the jungle and shot arrows at the boat. The boat landed at a point on the coast out of range of the arrows and the police (dressed in jackets with padded armour) landed and left gifts in the sand: a miniature plastic car, some coconuts, a live pig tied to a stake, a doll, and aluminium cookware. The locals' reaction was to launch another round of arrows, one of which struck the documentary's director in the thigh. The man who wounded the director withdrew and laughed proudly, sitting in the shade while others speared, then buried the pig and the doll. Afterwards, they left, taking with them only the coconuts and aluminium cookware.[14]" Wikipedia 

A/N Emma's POV  Horsell Common. 

"ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR". This is the sound of two fresh teen girls screaming themselves hoarse as they run through scrubland. Victoria's scream was one of glee, mine was more of terror. We ran into the forest beyond Horsell common fleeing what was behind us. Victoria was having the time of her life. I was terrified to the point of being sick. I was horrified I had been involved in my first heist.

"Come back here. Jane Mansfield," the store clerk shouted behind us shaking her fist.

We carried on running as far and as fast as week could. After a while, all I could do was follow the sound of Victoria's giggling.

"Don't leave me, Jane!" I shouted. I said Jane to throw off the store clerk. I glanced back she was coming after us with all the determination of Kevin Smith in the Boston marathon.

We had been walking back from school and Victoria had asked me to called her Jane Mansfield, the name of one of her school prepy-chums. She called me 'Mary' loudly. We walked to the local store in a place called Horsell common. Victoria had taken Jane's golden book bag home by accident. I didn't understand how, the gold bag was fairly distinctive. I didn't think much of the name change, Victoria did this some times. 'Cover' she called it. I, like the dope I am, played along. She called me 'Mary' I called her Jane. So as Jane Mansfield and Mary S, I followed Victoria as she drifted through the parking to the MAC store.

I wasn't paying a huge amount of attention to what we were doing. On the way home Victoria had told me the story of her dad disappearing. 

He did this on occasion. When Victoria's dad when on trips they were normally for a long time. While he was away Victoria's mom would deny all knowledge of her husband. She would claim he never existed. I had been told stories of her Mom changing all the photographs in the house overnight to ones without him. She would claim she was a single parent mother and had been for the last 17 years and point at the single bed in her bedroom. If Victoria ever mentioned her dad doing something, her mom would claim it was an imaginary dad Victoria had made up to fill the emotional gap. Her mom would then burst into tears saying what a poor mother she was. To make matters worse Victoria's dad never said goodbye, and never said hello when he got back. He would just pretend he never left. Before you start feeling sorry for her, like I did, read the next paragraphs.

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