Chapter 43/the Morning alpha, the night before

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I woke up in pain. I was freaked out. In the night I had a bad dream. In the dream, I was looking at an ancient stone sundial. The white dot which represented the time focused from the sun's rays reached a particular mark. I heard the words 'Way-borough' which was lycan for 'I now pronounce you man and wife'. At this point, I pulled out a weapon and shot the Alpha. I looked in slow motion as the Alpha fell. Blood filling his shirt. I wasn't sure what I was feeling. Kind of happiness. Like I had achieved something. I saw my dad's face smiling. It was all too weird.

"Huh," I said lifting my head up. I woke and looked up.

The Alpha was sitting there, he was eating meat that he cooked above the pencil fire. He was naked. He had covered me with a few furs but most of my lower half was still trapped by the tree.

He nodded as he noticed I was coming to.

"Your up. Head hurt? That's the meed." He said.

I put my hand to my porcelain skull.

"It could be the meed or that could be the tree that hit like a stampede of young girls when they see Harvey Weinstein come into the room at a party. What happened?" I looked around. The tree had been dragged to the side. The glade was now full of branches and leaves. I moved my ankle and felt a huge amount of pain.

"YAAAA." I said.

"You could say that." He said between bites "If anyone asks, we spent the night at it like a pair of minxes at the end of the world. Took me a while to figure out you said all that stuff to deliberately irritate me. Thanks for pushing me off like that. I got, shall we say, groomed by the moment. As irritating as it was, the whole grinding me off with politics worked like a charm. I definitely didn't imprint on you last night. You know, it actually took me a while to figure your plan out. You're a very smart woman. While I was working out my rage, I did manage to take down... well, you would say a bear and an Elk possibly moose. Oh, I'm sorry about the leg. It's hard to control Lycan rage. If anyone asks we did it during lovemaking."

I looked up and I was in pain.

"Were you always this arrogant or as Alpha do you get lessons or something?" I asked.

He nodded and smiled "actually there is a secret user guide passed from Alpha to Alpha."

I looked at my ankle. It looked like my foot was trying to morph into a child's balloon. It was just about OK if I didn't move it.

"You seriously think they will buy, accidental limb damage during lovemaking? That's about as believable as erotica written by twelve-year-olds."

The Alpha spoke quickly between bites "Sure. It's traditional. The more bruises on the first night the better. This will make the Lycan women from court swoon on Instagram."

The Alpha held out a bit of meat to me.

" Peace offering? Breakfast."

I looked at the freshly cooked leg and my stomach turned. I'm trying not to look at his perfectly formed physique. I cover my eyes so I don't look below his waist line. He just strolls up like so confident in being in the flesh its like he is the CEO of a naturist camp. Honestly, if they ever film this the entire shot would be centred on me and over his rather firm shoulder. You the viewer would be looking at the firm shoulder going. 'Is that his real shoulder or do they hire like stunt shoulders the way they have people to play Tom Cruises hands'. I can assure you he does all his own stunts on this one and is looking pretty good doing it. I've see people naked before but rather than being gross I find my self going ooh for the first time. Which makes me go ooh at my self for going ooh at him. 

"No thanks, I'm on a low fur diet." I lied looking away.

"Suit your self." The Alpha said taking a bite.

I looked at my leg "Do you mind getting treebeard here off me?" I asked nodding at my leg trapped under the tree.

"Sure," He said finishing another mouthful. The Alpha comes over and inspects the tree.

"Tell me you don't love me." He said in a matter of fact way.

I look at him "Well I don't love you so that's easy."

The Alpha bends his arms, chinches his teeth and began to growel. He starts to transform mostly the face.

"Keep going," he says while straining at the tree.

I'm trying avoiding looking at his rather muscular legs.

"I don't like you. If they ever wrote a book covering everything you know about tact it would top the charts as one of the thinnest books available in Canada." I said.

"Arrrr.." He adds fingers now dig into the tree. He had bent knees to reach down and was pulling at the trunk of the tree up.

"Honestly on the romantic front If I had a choice between you and a squid with a monocle and a lisp, the squid is going to win every time" I continued.

The Alpha ( now quite wolflike of face and hair popping out all over) lets out a roar. The tree goes up a bit more and I pull my leg out. The Alpha lets out a roar so loud that you can hear the echo.

"Hey it's OK." I said. trying not to touch my leg "  I can't run and I don't think having a raged werewolf next to me is a good plan. "I'm free. You can calm down now. I didn't mean the whole thing about me and the squid. The squid and I are just good friends." 

I hear barking in the distance.

Victoria walks into the camp. I say walk I mean stumble. She is followed by Pandora.

Pandora or rather the many androids like her formed a search party.

"I was getting worried sweetie," Victoria said staggering out of the vehicle hardly able to move. She looked at the felled tree. "Wow you had a good night," she said.

I'm in pain so I zap back with "Yeah turns out that tree felling is a  joint shared passion we share."

Victoria inspects the tree "that must have been something you got into after we broke up."  

The Alpha looked at Pandora "Pandora call a spectral machine for her."

I waved and tried to push my self up to a sitting position.

"No don't do that." Victoria said to Pandora "get a pain band. Oh and leak the story that the Alpha is going to elevator his love home and carry her up the grand gates to the palace. Make sure you tell everyone this is a secret which is the only way to be certain everyone finds out about it. Tell me when a crowd has built up."

Pandora looked to the alpha.

The Alpha did a ship between a shrug and a nod. A Shrod perhaps?

"Sure," said Pandora. "FYI along with all this fetching and carrying I can also solve complex problems and reengineer large scale orbital construction projects. Just so you know."

"Do it," Victoria said through gritted teeth. I look at my ankle it's swelling up now.

Just then some werewolves in wolf form rush up. Moments after that the elevator drops from the sky near me and Pandora gets out and holding a pain bracelet. 

I had the feeling this was all Victoria as head of mis-information's plan. On the plus side, Pandora has a bracelet she put round my leg. When on, it removed the pain and I forget the state of the melon/body part, I formally called ankle.

Soon we all got into the elevator, Victoria pressed the buttons and we and took off. I looked down and I saw an army of Pandoras matching off back to ... well were ever Pandoras went. We flew into a huge hole in the ground ( technically a hole in the drum of a huge space station). Then down to the Palace layer below. I was a bit dopey as the pain bracelet crowbarred the discomfort out of my body. 

The Alpha's concubine (Girl x Werewolf)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin