Chapter 58/Cave of contentment

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I'm standing in what could only be described as a very accurate re-creation of a genuine cave. If I had to give it a name I would call it a Disney cave. It looks exactly like a normal cave except you know there's nothing very hard to hit your head on and sue somebody over. The cave-like the carnivorous forest beyond was all part of the recreation of the Lycan Homeworld Splat. The rocks and other parts of the cave were all actually cut out of the superhard super strong material which made up the floor of the inner cylinder. Which made up one of the three nested cylinders separated by miles of space which in turn made up the orbital palace. The rocks and the surface themselves looked far too much like the way you would expect a cave to look.

Everything was trying just a little bit too hard to be a cave. It was very much the Japanese-geisha desperate-for-tips-to-pay-the-rent of caves. This floor is too uneven and you might trip, I will make it flat, but look, isn't the rock really sparkly? This ceiling low and arched but still high enough not to hit your head. Do you think that grey rock sitting very casually in the corner really goes with the grey, brown, and black color scheme? The surface is rough but I think that adds to the authenticity, don't you?

There before me was Bob he was an unpleasant mix of porcupine, lobster, and octopus. He looked like a sea urchin had spent far too much in plastic surgery went a little Sahar Tabar. There was no obvious face and you kept looking for something to focus on in the conversation. I wondered how we appeared to them? Weirdly smooth perhaps? This said I kind of liked him his population got a bad deal.

I look closely at Bob. "Okay," I said "you have my complete word that we will try to get you to Callisto. But I'm going to point out that Callisto is all the way near Jupiter. And that's a long way out deep into space. Like further than Alaska. Personally I just wanna get home."

Bob looks at me well maybe he's looking at me. "Do you promise?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Sure," I say.

Sorry, Victoria looked over "So in the morning we will leave to have a look. So where is this hole?How far?"

"Oh it's just down there at the back of the cave," Bob says pointing.

Everyone is disappointed and they all let out a little sigh.

I stood up and squeezed past Victoria and Queenie to go and inspect the back of the cave. Rather than getting darker it actually got lighter. I realize this is all from the reflections of the light. .Pretty soon you can see a glowing pool. Here at the end of the cave was a neat round hole. above it there was a cable wrapped around a huge drum. The space was now much more regular, designed with straight sides. It was all made from the black nano carbon super strong stuff the placed cylinders were made out of. 

At some point, this must've been designed to be one of the elevator points. The space looked unfinished like someone gave up halfway through building it. I lay down on the ground and looked to the hole. It felt very strange sitting on what looked to be rocks but then looking out onto the landscape far below us. Looking down on the Alpha's palace level below us. It was like looking out of the window of an airliner. Glancing down the axis I could see clouds and below the clouds was what looked to be like the huge monument of the actual palace surrounded by forest and gardens.

Bex and Victoria came over and stood gingerly away.

"Big drop," Bex said "no way can we get down there." 

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