Chapter 91/Not and ending more of an afterward

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So that was it. I got the Alpha, or as I like to think of it he got me. Sabrina and the Alpha sister Biri who had gone over to Sabrina's side. They all got executed.

I mean at least a couple of times. Still, they got resurrected. Bex ended up with Guido. Victoria's Dad ended up with a couple of dates with Queenie. Mom and Dad ended up getting back together. Yeah, big surprise. I think Mom had been really impressed by the way that Dad had so staunchly gone back for her. They had decided to stick together, see if they could make a go of it. They also decided to go and take a tour of Callisto. Initially, they wanted to help people but then realized that the people from Callisto was spiritually and culturally way in advance of humanity. So instead of being missionaries, they became kind of un-missionaries. Instead of spreading the word and acts of kindness to Callisto, they decided to tour Callisto, meeting its peoples looking upon the monuments and learning what they could from them.

Victoria ended up with somebody, but that's a very long story. As for Earth, it was hard to go back. Once people have got free electricity-free food, free goods, free medicine it's very difficult to make them go back to paying for stuff. In fact, we didn't need to. You see is one thing becomes free, another gets in short supply and takes up value. I mean, the Earth's economy still worked when you didn't have to pay for air right? Having three things doesn't mean to say other things can't have value.

So things which couldn't be produced instantly suddenly became something of value. People still needed things like art. In our case, it became things like endangered species. With the help of the Lycans, we were able to build lots of things which helped us restore the environment.

I feel it was a lot like early America. You know when immigrants from all over the world come together. Somehow they made a country which was more significant than all the individual countries they came from. By merging with the Lycans and the Callistrians, we learned a lot from each other. Now I'm going to confess that things were never perfect. I'm not saying there weren't strains and tests along the way. But you know if we all lived happily ever after that would just be so boring.

So that my children my cubs is how I got to be queen. It's also the reason why you should never believe anything auntie Victoria says. Finally, it's why you need to be strong and smart, but also generous and loving. Sure one day, when you're older, we may have to fend off attacks from the other star Lycans packs, and yes, some of them might look like your Dad. The good news is we've got some excellent defenses already half-built. I'm confident.

You have all been, so a good listen to the story everyone gets to play with Yutu*. You be careful of that rabbit; she knows who she can trust. I mean, whom she can trust. You know what I mean. 


A/N Yes. The end- always feel a little sad getting here. How about you? Now we got her we have some ideas to go back and fix a few things. IF there is something you feel, you know, urked ( good word ) let us know as we go back and fix a few things up. 

We can't thank you enough for making this wonderful journey with us,.. but we can try. Thanks, for your comments, votes and best of all reads. We praise every time we have been slipped into another reading list.   RK has plans set up to work with another writing partner ( feel free to say how bad it is and he needs to write funny books). Reb is thinking of writing a fantasy novel but time will tell. 

*Yeah took to the end of the book to figure out the name of the rabbit. Be prepared for some serious ret-coning. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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