Chapter 68/The treasure chamber

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After the shrinking room trap, we stood now in a much larger space, like a lot bigger. Think, squeezing through a mouse hole and emerging into the Saturn Five Vehicle assembly hangar big. If that's too nerdy for you imagine 27 large Target Import warehouses in Savannah. See, I said the Saturn Five Vehicle assembly hangar was better but you didn't believe me, did you? Where was I? I mean, this space was big, slightly too big. On all sides, tall columns size of skyscrapers rose solemnly above our heads. The hairs up my back began to tingle as I saw something slightly beyond huge. It was indeed the king of rooms, the Elvis Presley of Chambers, the Bruce Springsteen of halls. I couldn't believe this thing had air, it seemed to go on above us until the end of infinity.

Feeling a little dizzy, my eye was caught like a butterfly in a net, by the pyramid before us. The stone seemed pure white like the smell of morning due had been transformed into color. Before me steps lead up a the edge of a pyramid, and just below the apex something moved. More than moved it sat up. Unfortunately, it was so far on the way it was hard to make out. I looked to Victoria, who was running from pillar to pillar with the joy of a millionaire's bride-to-be set loose in Neman Marcus. If you were in this space, you would be going all out on the metaphor treadmill too. To be honest, according to my suit, while we had pressure the air was low in oxygen, and I'm attributing at least three similes to lack of breathable air. That said the space took the Oscar for most-impressive-building-in-someone's-life award, so it's mostly to blame.

"what's that?" I said, pointing to the top of the indoor pyramid.

"Go and have a look if you like." Victoria said with the same dismissive tone as a mom saying 'go play with your dolls. Mommy has to feed her online gambling addiction'.

"just don't touch anything. It's booby-trapped. The boobs most of all." She added.

OK, I don't think gambling addition mom would end a sentence like that, but if you know different, let me and social services know.

At the top, I could make out a golden statue of a she-wolf and a woman. The woman had long hair but she wasn't wearing anything. This must have been the statue of the Moon goddess.

Victoria darted like a bee from one chest of gold and silver treasure to another. She rushed off to the side to go behind one of the pillars. I looked around; between the pillars, there were metal chests about 6 feet long two wide and two tall. To me, they looked more Lycan than the design of whatever weird super Alien's who had built the temple. I wasn't sure; the boxes were made out of some shiny metal, and as far as I could tell floated above the ground.

Victoria rushed from box to box pressing buttons to lift the lid, checking the contents then moving onto the next box. She left one open, and it was deep in gold and jewels. I was slightly disappointed, Victoria said the man on the moon granted any wish no matter how dumb. This stock of treasure seemed rather underwhelming and not the man in the moon's style at all. I mean, what entity who can grant you say, the impossibility of two belly buttons, hangs around with a ready supply of jewels? I guess the Lycans left them as offerings, but given the building's mind numbing scale around them, it seemed cheap—It's like saying. Here is the most dangerous Marine in the entire US armed services; as a reward, let's give him* an earbud. Yeah, that level of cheap.

This was so Victoria's moment more, so I left her to it and started up the steps.

"Good news is getting out is a lot simpler," Victoria shouted. Moving from one box to another.

I must admit I was rather curious about what was at the top of the pyramid.

"Is it OK to walk up the steps?" I asked.

"Sure without touching," Victoria said, not looking up from what she was doing.

With nothing better to do, I started my pilgrimage up the steps.

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