66. A chapter so dangerous you might want to look away while reading it

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A/N Stress and nervous fatigue are a common problem these days. Especially these days. It is for that reason we are going to tell you, in advance, that Emma is going to live. This should lower your Cortisol levels; on the other hand, someone is going to injure their hand. We not going to tell you who as this can still be a matter of suspense as it doesn't matter. RK&Reb.

I know I should have been freaking out about walking around in a spacesuit for the first time. Except I wasn't. Technically this was the second time in a spacesuit. The first time being when I was being dragged over to the Empress like a frozen chicken. Also, as part of the concubine injection was knowledge about how to operate a spacesuit. So while I should have been as excited as my first day at diving school, I was in fact, more overwhelmed by the massive building we were currently descending into. A first-generation mega manic architect had designed the whole place. The design, in theory, was 'traditional'. The entire place was deeply covered in Lycan writing. It was like a massive, carved book

.Victoria flew towards the dust cloud as we left the Empress in high orbit. We sat in a tight ship with seats for four. It was like one of those sports cars that says 'seats four', but if the two rear passengers are over the age of two or larger than a pair of expansive sunglasses you had problems. It there was truth-in-descriptions it would be a 'has a leather ledge behind the driver's seat for your middle-age-mid-life-crisis leather jacket. But don't expect to get any shopping there unless your shopping for one. Which if your buying this sports car, you probably are making up for something- so you're good.' I think a kinder description would be 'You could probably squeeze four people in if you were desperate going to a party.' 

Look at me bitching about the size of a moon rocket .Like I ever thought I would be sitting in a real rocket landing on a real moon. Technically our ship had more space than the original Apollo lunar lander. I'm going to point out that that thing was stripped bare. For historical accuracy, I'm going to point out the original moon lander couldn't afford the weight of seats. Yeah, it was that close to the edge. The landed standing. Neil Armstrong is looking at the ship on his first day going 'what a piece of junk. You want me to fly in that thing? then you think I'm braver than I am' and the head engineer looks over and says, 'Don't worry I've made some special modifications. It will do point five past light speed.' Neil Armstrong is like 'where are the seats man?'. The head engineer is like 'seats are for wusses. Look, you can have seats or an engine to take off with to get back Earth. It's your choice'. Neil is looking around the inside going 'this is the size of a couple of telephone booths'. The engineer shrugs and goes, 'look, I'm a d*m genius here. The next time they get someone to build a ship to fly to the moon, people won't even know what a telephone booth is the reference will go over their heads.' 

Neil looks sarcastically over and says, 'as id people will ever forget what a telephone booth is. I mean, if they take those away, what will superman change in?'.

 OK, I think I've established for the record how small the ship is. Like Victoria says, we will have to hall the treasure back by hauling it back on a rope. Good luck with that. Meanwhile, we have managed to do all the boring de-orbiting stuff. Believe me, it's tedious, and I've done you a big favor. 

 We dropped to the moon, and as I did, I marveled at the scale of the cloud we had blasted. It was big enough to be seen from the Earth. 

Flying towards the slowly dissolving dust cloud, we orbited the three-sided pyramid then descended into the soil. We dropped through a circular hole that existed at the bottom of the dust cloud. I have been truly on the edge of my seat, and as Victoria had flown almost blindly through the volcano storm into somewhere, she called the pod bay. After we landed, I pressed a button on my backpack the suit morphs around me, and we depressurized. Which is a fancy of saying,we opened the valve and let all the air out of the ship like deflating a car tire The hatch opens, and we got out into a massive spherical chamber designed to hold vessels much larger than the shuttle pod.

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