Chapter 26/that's like the opposite of incognito

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Eventually, Guido and Victoria get the summons to work and the car drives the five yards or meters to where we were standing. For a second I zone out and wake up when the Alpha says.

"Guido you take the other girl in the other car." The Alpha said as the werewolf bodyguard dragged a very surprised looking Bex away.

"This is outrageous," Bex said to the large Guido as she was dragged away, "I' haven't even seen your Tinder profile."

The Alpha looks at me "Do you think you're going to travel in the trunk?"  he definitely had the commanding manner down pat. 

For some reason, I was standing next to the partly opened trunk. After that senior moment, I pushed it shut.

The Alpha continued, "In the back. Victoria as high priestess you will sit in the front seat."

As she passed me I looked at Victoria. 

"I can't believe you sold me out again," I said. 

Victoria looked at me and said "Sometimes when I'm walking I wonder if I'm doing the right thing. It's at that point I get off the victim's back or If I'm feeling less guilty, take my stilettos off. "  she said smiling.

Seconds later I was pushed in the back of the limousine by the alpha. 

 Well, I say limousine it was actually an air-car. A long and expensive-looking air car. The Lycan's generally just flew superman like from one place to another. That was fine if it didn't rain. Which were most places, the Lycan's had weather conditioned most cities. The once tempestuous weather was so tamed, it only timidly rained at two in the morning. It wouldn't even do that if you looked meanly at the clouds. Talk about domesticated. Give me old fashioned unpredictable weather any day. Anyway, weather conditioning so Air-cars were not that common, except tonight.

The limousine took off or rather it drove off. Soon we were in a 40 degrees climb. The force firmly pinned me back in my seat Expanse style. The seats in the back sat opposite to each other Victoria was upfront, her eyes heavy with drink. She saluted me by lifting a martini glass up.

I was being pushed into the back seat of the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

The Alpha looked out, he sat calmly enjoying the view. "To my orbital winter palace." He said without looking at me.

Orbit ? Like space orbit? At this point, I knew I was trapped.

"Humm," the Alpha said looking away from me remained motionless. I could see the disquiet run over his face. He wasn't happy. He pressed a button.

"High Priestess," he said to Victoria without looking. "You foretold I would not be recognised on the trip. This plan doesn't work if we didn't act in a stealthy way."

"Yeah well I wasn't expecting to have Guido announce it," Victoria said, "that's like the opposite of incognito". The voice came back from the front seat "Don't worry I have that covered."

Then the panel opened and Victoria joined us. I said this was like a flying Limousine not a real Limousine equipped for back-to-the-future-part2 style flight. Things morphed and transformed.

"Do you mind doing the honours?" the Alpha said. 

Victoria picked up her phone. "Hello is that death star guidance command? It is good. It's the Alpha's court here. You were tracking my signal yes?.. See that auction house I've been to? auction house... auction house place where you buy and sell slaves. Got it? Good. OK I want you to nuke it from orbit." she said all this in a calm tone of voice. Like a parent to a child.

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