Chapter 56/Shadowrun

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Around me, the wedding is falling apart faster than a wedding cake presented to a pack of gibbons for lunch. 

"Run!" says Queenie.

As someone who grew up knowing about the Lycan drones, I'm strangely inclined to follow her advice. We get up and start running following Queenie who is running towards a nearby bit of forest. From a distance it would look like some weird pop video, people running in large ball gowns over the grass, away from a large set of stone monoliths and towards a forest being chased by a sentient black cloud. It's the kind of big dress video Taylor swift would make, you know, on an off day.

Before us, I can see a pair of wolfs running fast. They are being followed by the drones like a huge black speech bubble following Tintin shouting 'die'. The cloud of drones is fast fast, enough to catch up with them. I'm running for my life, you try it in a big dress. There is a reason Marie Antoinette never made it as a 100 meters champion and I'm wearing it.

The smaller cloud chasing them catches up with the last wolf. One of the drones, a tiny one the size of a golf ball puts on a burst of speed and then slams into the wolf. It then explodes in a brief flash of light. It's a weird kind of kamikaze drone. It just sacrificed itself for its digital Emperor. The werewolf now drops like dead meat to the ground. The other one runs on.

"OMG! Look out the snitch is lethal! " Bex shouts, she got that right.

Queenie has been leading the way and resting the temptation not to go into wolf mode and get some four-wheel drive. I guess she wanted to not leave us behind. Meanwhile, she has been fielding with her dress. I mean I can see why I could do with a ball gown with a sports bra but her? Then her dress shrinks. Like she has been through some express wash. Naturally being Lycan tech - the dresses can morph into leggings. Terrific, I start feeling my dress looking for any hidden switches. While I do I look back and notice the drones aren't coming for me. Perhaps the orange is some kind of drone camouflage?

Queenie reaches the forest first and starts running around the trees. The drones follow us, some of them crash into the trees like Imperial Starfighters following Han Solo into an asteroid field. OK Except this time the Millennium Falcon is dressed in a huge orange ball gown and keeps getting it caught on things. I notice the drones are all different sizes and shapes for some reason. OK head for trees is a tactic, I must remember.

Bex is screaming for her life. Then I hear her fall over with a loud 'fuck!'

I stop turn back and run over to her. The does are getting close. I pick up a rock while I gab Bex's hand and throw it at the big drone nearby. Bex is up and I pull her away.

Queenie stops her chest heaving like she has seen the man of her dreams. She Waving me towards her and pointing

"In the River!" Queenie shouts stopping.

As I pass Queenie keeps up for a second pressing the back and the dress shock shrinks. It morphs into orange leggings faster than you can send out a cringing tweet to your ex. I'm not sure of the others. I can see Victoria who now has morphed her dress in front of me. She has some drones on her tail.

Victoria runs towards a large rock at the water's edge. She jumps and does a butterfly dive into the water. Bex follows and I'm following behind with Queenie waiting for me. I dive into the water then get followed by Queenie. The drones begin to hold off.

The water is cold, colder than Greta Garbo's stare on a December night near the north pole.

"Fuck!" I shout as I break the water. "Is everyone OK?"

"Stay Low, I'll be back" Queenie shouts. She swims to some nearby reeds as we start to paddle heads above water.

You begin to see this smart cloud begin to wonder where we went. Clearly the software is smart enough to spot a person but now when we are submerged had problems. Queenie comes back and hands out the reeds.

"Everyone underwater. Don't come up until they are gone." She says handing the reeds out.

Then in the distance, I see another couple of ball guests rushing towards the water. The lead wolf now leaps out over the River and then in mid-air turns into a dolphin. It splashes into the water and starts to swim off. Dolphins. It looks like it's not just the humans that the Lycan's have been genetically merging with and transforming into.

"Glad that wasn't the cetacean ambassador" Victoria says taking a reed form Queenie.

Tube in mouth I dive under the water with the others. Looking up I can see the central axis's in the sky. The space ship half out of the sky cylinder is now stuck. More black smoke drones are pouring out from it. Under the water, it looks like ink draining from the body of a machine-gunned octopus. Under the water, there are a number of borders on the bottom which I can see from the near moonlight.

The drones above us look to be getting confused about where or who we are, one tries diving into the water but then stops. shorting itself out. It then explodes like a candle flame being snuffed out. Having dipped the drones in the nasty water the cloud begins to split and thins out looking for us.

Queenie puts her head out of the water then gives everyone the all-clear signal.

It was at this point I noticed we are being carried along in the current of the river. Out bodies catch some current. Sometimes my feet hit the rocks in the river bed. The four of us hold onto each other so we don't get lost. I watch the edges of the riverbank go by wondering what we're going to do next. Then the Dolphin Lycan suddenly streaks past us leaving a trail of terrified bubbles. The Lycan is swimming for its life, back upstream.

'That's encouraging' I think 'I'm not at all frightened by something which could scare something which is half fish.' Not because I can't swim upstream in this current.

At this point, the sun gets turned back on. It's like the sun just sat up in bed and goes 'oh is that the time? I better get up'. The sky keeps changing like someone is flicking through a set of daylight menus. However, it provides enough light to see that ahead there was a waterfall.

I tap on Queenie's bear arm and point vividly. The current is already beginning to accelerate. Our gentle river journey is now becoming faster. I was able to float in the dress as it caught some air bubbles on the way in. But now it's just slowing me down. Victoria got the idea and we all begin to start swimming towards the bank. Coming up for air it seems that the drones have now disappeared. They're off looking for something more human-like to attack.

We all begin desperately swimming towards the river bank. Suddenly I get pushed against a rock and held there by the current. The dress for some reason morphs back into full ball gown mode. Great timing and I don't know what Queenie pressed to shirk it. Bex is being pulled away into the river and I grabbed her hand. I can't see where Queenie and Victoria have got to all I know is it's hard to breathe.

A log is now coming towards us, side-on, if it hits his full-on then I would likely to be crushed. I reach out with my foot and try and kick it to the side. With every muscle in my body, I kick the log sideways and it ends up being lodged between another bolder.

"Woho!" Bex said in triumph. Then I look up and see a new bigger log coming towards up.

"Is someone running a water slide park for logs upstream!" I shout.

I look around and then gabbing a branch of the first log I am unable to pull Bex and myself towards the riverbank. Finally, the water is shallow enough to get a foothold.

One hand holding Bex's and the other grabbing onto whichever rock I can reach. I drag us both towards the river bank.

"Emma!" I hear Victoria's voice say "there you are!"

Then suddenly a hand appears above me it's Victoria reaching down from the boulder above us. He grabs mine, then pulls us both out of the water. Suddenly Queenie appears as well and picks me up like a huge wet taffeta puppy.

Dripping wet with cold water we have to pile up like colorful washing and end up sitting on the rocks next to the edge of the river. We all take deep breaths, I smile. Victoria hugs me.

"You made it. For a second I thought I lost you." Victoria says. You can hear the regret on her voice. I'm touched by that but I think it will last, do you? 

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