Chapter 59/Cloud drop

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Bex had worked enough electric magic to start the winch lowering to the ground. We held off until night fell on the palace layer. While we waited Victoria started making wooden handles we could use to ride the cable down to the ground. One of the handles let out a really pathetic squeak as she cut part of the end off. This had startled Victoria who then proceeded to beat the handle with a large log just to make sure.

As dusk began to fall we started lowering the cable down. Rather than dropping straight down, it began to curve, the further it dropped the more it began to go sideways. Forming a huge smooth L shape. Coriolis effect Queeny told me. I have no idea what she was talking about. As night fell the artificial stars started to twinkle in the digital sky just below my feet. I tentatively put my legs over the end side of the hole in the hull. Part of my orange dress was now wrapped around me serve as a climbing harness. I would be the first down and I was taking some large deep breaths to settle down before committing my self to the cable the size of the pencil.

"To avoid anyone seeing you. Drop as quickly as possible." Victoria told me ." Don't use the break until the last minute."

She sat behind me and I looked at her.

"I'm surprised you're not wanting to go first. " I said. "I mean this has your name all over it in such nice big handwriting."

Victoria smiled "oh I do. I would love to have been but I know it will take you some time to work up the courage to do it and we haven't got the time."

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"Well you've been sitting on the edge here for thirty minutes now and not moved," Victoria said truthfully. Everyone was standing around the hole in the hull looking down at me. We had drawn straws for who went first.

"Anyway" Victoria if I was the first down the wire I wouldn't be able to do this."

With that Victoria gave me a huge kick in the back. My heart leaped into my throat initially the cable was just a huge drop. It flexed as my weight put a small pull into it. The wind rushed around my head like I was standing inside of some massive industrial hairdryer. I could hear the sound of the wooden log I was holding onto running against the cable. I tried not to scream but then I heard a noise behind me. Looking up I could see Becks and then Victoria flying down the cable after me. Victoria was clearly screaming in delight. Good someone was having a good time. I looked down, the synthetic moon was rising its flat image shining light to the great palace below.

I looked at the cable I was zipping down. the palace itself was surrounded by a number of gardens. The direction of the cable was leading to what looked to be a small forest near the south entrance of the Palace. I had been almost vertically so far looking up at the underside of the forest level above me. I could just make out Queenie and then Bob as tiny dots in the artificial moon light. Bex and Victoria were getting closer. This was quite a wild ride and I think I'm starting to enjoy myself.

I was starting to move more horizontally getting close to the ground. It was as if a great wind picked me up and push me along. I could hear the cable grasping against the log more. Looking up I could see it starting to cut into the edge of the log, leaving a small grove. Now I was flying almost horizontally above the dark forest. I could see the cable extending beyond me. I suddenly wondered what would happen if the cable didn't reach the ground. Then I started to get close to the treetops. They flew by me like swords slashing at my body.

"No no no!!!" I said.

Then one tree slammed against my foot.

At first, I thought this was a good idea, it would slow me down. Then I started to spin. Then I realized if I slowed down I'll be getting closer and closer to crashing into Victoria and Bex. In an instant, there was a glade in the middle of the wood and the cable sank down into it and climbed out. 

I tried to break, as hard as I could. All this did was  cut into the log I was using. The cable began to go up as it reached up at the end of the glade. I was now a few feet above the ground legs down I started to run in the middle and the log broke above me. Suddenly I was running above the ground at 30 or 40 miles an hour. Each step I lost speed then finally I jumped and ended up plowing face-first through a small field of moss. I finally slammed into a pile of leaves at the bottom of a tree trunk.

Looking up I could hear Victoria and Bex rushing down following me. Their logs were intact and sent them sliding up the rope cable at the end of the glade. They lost speed then coming back down.

"Yeah!" Victoria shouted the elation was clear in her voice.

"Again again!" Bex said.

I started to laugh then heard the sound of Queenie following us.

Victoria was now dangling at the low point of the cable next to Bex. Queenie had the same kind of speed I had, possibly more. And she was flying towards them like a barrel dropped out the back of an aircraft.

"Oh, shit" Victoria let out.

"No!" shouted" Queenie in the distance.

Just before they collided Becks and Victoria dropped to the ground opening the way for Queenie to fly over my head. As Victoria landed on the ground on both feet I could see her Swiss-Army-pen in laser cutter mode. Queenie now stopped and came back down to the low point of the cable. I knew out there somewhere Bob was flying down the line. He would be arriving next. Queenie simply changed into like inform dropped from the harness and then landed on all feet on the ground. I dusted myself off and checked for any broken limbs.

"Wow, I lived!" I said "and there was no way that could go wrong!"

Relieved I started to get up. as I did I could hear Bob screeching down the elevator cable to the ground. He shot overhead, followed the same path the others had done, and then began to reverse slowly to the low point where Victoria was waiting for him.

"Oh err." He announced now at the bottom. "I feel all jumbled up inside. Like my stomachs were some kind of scrambled rubric's cube."

Victoria nodded at me I formed a step in my hands she jumped up and then cut Bob down. "Hello!" Bob said to Queenie. He moved nervously around Queenie.

Queenie remained in her wolf form and looked at me.

"That was the most un camp thing I've ever done," Queene said. "We will never speak of it again or to anyone Ever."

Victoria smirked, "you enjoyed it."

"Hmmm... This way dear." She said calmly loping off. 

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