Chapter 51/The Secret Library

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Over the following days, Alpha seemed to be delighted. He kept showering me with gifts. It's like we had this kind of weird virtual conveyor belt between us and he kept putting stuff on it. All Victoria kept saying "Can you please be more unpleasant to people. 

One morning the Alpha turns up from nowhere and strangely he has a smile upon his face. "Come with me I've something to show you,"he says.

I look at becks is currently looking at the palm of the hand and poking at it with a finger. "if anyone turns up, tell them I'll be back." I say to her as the Alpha eaglay takes me by the hand and pulled me away.

Bex continues to look at her hand. "Yeah right. Whatever" then she looked up and added "hey. what do you say?" but by that point, I've gone.

Where we going I asked the alpha he smiles at me confidently." I'm about to show you something that no concubine indeed even Sabrina knows." 

 He pulls out a picture it's a large picture of some kind of werewolf doing something well I'm not gonna tell you because you might have just eaten something. Behind the picture is a small doorway. Well, I say small doorway it's like small for werewolves and a great cute size for human beings.

"what's this?" I ask him as he leads me in.

"What no one but only Guido and I know is, the place has a secret miniature elevator system built within the palace." The Alpha says.

As he speaks he presses the button on the wall and lights come on, into a small possibly two-person elevator.

"Like many of the normal elevators, this can go horizontally as well as vertically" the Alpha explained with a smirk. All of the entrance is a secret and hidden away on the elevator can take me to rooms that only the alpha knows about."

"hang on," I say, "I thought I was living in your secret private rooms?"

He shakes his head while pressing buttons "no those are my public secret private rooms these are my real private rooms."

He presses another button and the whole room begins to move. A few minutes later the doors open and we step out into another space. I look around in amazement and I can see the sense of delight coming over the Alpha's face.

"You like it don't you?" He says. In his usual arrogance, that's coming moreover like a statement than a question but you know what this time I'm going to forgive him because I am standing in the middle of the biggest personal library I've ever seen. So for some reason, I'm pretty beaming.

"Wow," I said looking around.

"I heard you say to Bex that you always wanted to live in a library." The Alpha confessed.

"You were about 10 yards away from you when I said that to her," I told him.

He pointed at his ears "Lycan hearing" he said.

The room was about the size of a classroom except all the walls are covered with the books. Looking up I can see another floor above me would you reach by climbing up a ladder. There are so many books that even the doorway from the elevator is a hinged bookcase. There is an arch leading through to another room and the alpha leads me quickly through there, before I have a chance to begin browsing.

In this room,  is full of sticks. I've never really seen like in literature before but I've heard of them probably from the concubine implant. A werewolf book is actually more of a bone with scratches on it. Lycans can read either by looking at the scratches or more traditionally running the tongue down the edges. Each stick is about a page and each stick is attached to the next stick by a string. A true Lycan book is effectively a bundle of bones they keep chewing over. 

The Alpha's concubine (Girl x Werewolf)Where stories live. Discover now