Chapter 18/We throw the doll of life over there and nothing happens.

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Emma's POV - Flashback. 

Emma's house. 

I remember the day I died really well. It was a few days after the first drone war. Any US military equipment was now a bunch of holed junk. They didn't have a way to shoot at micro-drones it was like trying to stop very sharp smoke.

The front porch squeaked as I got back from another rough day at school.

"Dad?" I said. I came into the garage looking for dad. He didn't respond and I guessed he was out looking through garbage for electronics he could dump into his replicator. I wanted to ask for his advice about Victoria.

She had missed school for two days in a row. Perhaps she had run away to NASA like she said. Someone should know but then I would have to tell about Victoria's secret. I had decided to talk to Dad about this. He was my second choice for personal agony aunt and spiritual leader, but our cat Mr Tibbles was nowhere to be found.

I looked around the dark garage. I was about to leave when I heard the noise the duplication machine made when it had finished copied something.

"Dad?" I said walking around the corner to where he kept the replicator machine.

There, in the darkness but lit by the glow from the replicator machine I saw Victoria. She was putting a stack of dollar bills into the machine. Copying them and then taking them out again. Adding them to the stack she had built up and putting them all back in to copy.

"Vee!" I said.

A normal person would have frozen but Victoria just carried on.

"Hi Emma how's it going/ " she said casually.

"Are you copying money?" I said.

"I've decided to run away from home and join NASA. I need some spending cash. Look" she said holding up the money "They all look and feel perfect. Pity about the serial numbers. I'm sure if I don't spend them all at once no one will notice. Do you want to come with? I'll copy some more."

I stood rather blankly. Victoria picked up the money she had copied. Added into the original money and duplicated all of it again. Each time she did this it doubled.

"Anyway your going to hand me in to the police so I'm leaving. It's been good knowing you." Victoria said as she walked passed me of the garage and into the garden heading towards the gap in the back yard fence she would climb through to get into her house.

"You can't go!" I said.

"My parents said your file indicated you would be a bad influence on me," Victoria said as she passed through the gap in the fence. I followed her.

"I'm a bad influence?" I said going through the fence for the first time. "hang on. Just who was the one that filled up their bag for free in the MAC on Horsell commons?"

Victoria looked over starting to do her whole laser ballet thing "You can't follow me. You'll die."

By this point, I was on the other side of the fence in her garden for the first time.

"Look stop with all the danger garden nonsense," I said annoyed " I don't have mines in my garden. You don't have mines in your garden. No one has mines in their garden. Get serious. For once in your life face up to the truth. You let your best friend take the rap for a theft she didn't commit."

Victoria grunted as she pretended to go through a narrow gap, between lasers.

"She's not my best friend. She's a friend my mom thought was a good cover for me. You're my best friend." Victoria said balancing on one foot.

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