Chapter 63/I'm forcefully taken aboard Sabrian's ship ( but in a good way)

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20 minutes later I had all the body control of a disgarded Barbie doll.  Victoria's drugs paralyzed me but I was still awake. I was so going to get Victoria back for this betrayal if it was the last thing I did.

The starfighter left the Empress. It floated through the black velvet of space. All the startfigher seemd to do was to ruin your idea of how big the Sabrina's ship was by slapping you with the dimensional equivalent of a wet fish shouting 'no it's at least ten times bigger than that you fool'. The fighter was about the size of an SUV but with engines stuck out on pods near the edges. Eventually, it's arrived and docked with the bottom of the Alpha's escape ship.

"Get on" Sabrina insisted over the video connection. She had the patience of a four-year-old child who's iPad is broken on a long road trip to her grandmother's.

"Oh like this fighter hasn't been wired up with a bomb," Victoria said down her phone back to Sabrina. "Plus this amount of money on the seat takes time to check."

Eventually, Sabrina sat at her screen and looked out as she saw the fighter break free of the Alpha's escape ship and soon merrily away.

"OK, the ship is all yours." Victoria said over the radio as the Star fighter zipped away, "Good doing business with you. So long guys! "

Thirty seconds later it exploded. 

At this point the huge bulk of the Empress moved. Its Gothic points closer and closer to the Alpha's escape ship. When it got close enough and arm which looked like the lovechild between an octopus and a vacuum cleaner stretched out and latched onto the external hatch. Sabrina couldn't naturally resist live streaming her walk all the way down from the command deck down to the hatches where the docking arm reached. While the Empress was a big ship it was also small enough to run with a tiny crew of trusted people. It was one of the few ships which didn't require a few hundred Pandora's around to do everything. That was what made it so dangerous, it only took a small crew and you could take on huge fleets. It was like having the world's only mail-order nuclear weapon. Suddenly someone in the room with a glowing suitcase was incredibly powerful and you didn't want them to suddenly take a dislike you for the way that you breathe weirdly.

I watched on the screen as Sabrina waited outside the door for the airlock to fil and then she and the other seven members of the crew came down the docking arm toward the shop. The camera was still running when she opened the door onto the flight deck and looked around.

"Where the fuck is everyone?" She said scanning the room.

One of Sabrina's lieutenants looked around. "Perhaps they are hiding in a space meant to  smuggling things in." He said pointing his gun around.

"On an escape pod?" Sabrina said flicking her blonde rock-chick hair about. "They couldn't have got into that fighter. It's less than one-seater. It's got as much space as a badly designed corset."

At this point, I had to stop looking at the screen and just rely on the conversation that was coming over my headphones. I, like the others was hanging onto the outside of the Alpha's escape spaceship. As the largest ship had approached Victoria has started dressing me  like a life-size Barbie dolls into some one size fits all spacesuits. She had begun reprogramming the starfighter to zip away on autopilot. While she did the paralysis drugs which she had slipped us were starting to slowly wear off. Rather than getting in her ship with the money. She had just closed the hatch and sent the fighter merrily on its way. Then she pushed us out all tied together through the emergency docking port in the toilet to leave.

We floated like a lost bunch of grapes hid on the far side as the docking arm came towards the Alpha's escape ship.

While Sabrian wondered where we were we were crawling down the outside of the tube back to the Empress herself. Well I say pulled more like being poured like a bunch of party balloons on strings by Victoria. Above the docking port was an airlock just as Victoria had predicted. She stuffed us all in like toys into a spoilt child's Pinata.

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