Chapter80/No I can't escape in one chapter can you?

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We hide in the darkness of the delivery truck/pod until Dad opened it. One by one snuck us inside something which was a cross between a huge clamshell and jellyfish. The building was something the size of a large house. Inside the space seem like a sphere with round doorways leading off in all directions.

"Thanks for saving me," Bob said, reaching out a tentacle to me.

"Be quiet," Dad said.

Inside there were two Calistrians. The harnesses that they used for clothes reminded me of the girl guide who had saved me. Now I had slightly more time to look at them I noticed the harnesses were adorned by tiny colored pearls which reminded me of a military badge rack.

"Oooh," said the first one, the translator, gave her a high, sweet voice like honey dripping from a copper spoon, "you're the first over-world people I've ever met. Wow! You're ugly. Sorry, I didn't meet to say that, but I'm liable to lose my lunch here. Just saying"

The other one came over "Ignore Lucile", the second slightly larger one said while rubbing her tentacle over me, "she hasn't attempted her tact badge yet. Lucile, can't you be a little more generous to our guests. She's only got five limbs and no sense of velarg or kaparr, this poor thing is not only an amputee but disabled. I'm even going to mention that she has ridged sticks throughout her body. She can't even walk through a normal doorway. You could be a little more generous."

"Yes, Brown Owl," Lucile said.

Dad came over and pulled Brown Owl away to talk. Meanwhile, Victoria, Bob, and Peter turned up one by one.

Dad came over to me and wrapped a bunch of tentacles around me. He felt like it was going to bite through the helmet.

"Dad", I said, glowing red like a pumpkin. "If we leave, I'll be back for you. I promise."

"I don't want to lose you for a second time. I'm off to find your mother wish me luck. Look after your self, pumpkin", he said.

As dad left, more girl guides came in.

"What's important, Brown Owl?" said a very black one as she came in, "We were breaking up another bar fight in.... What in the seven hells is that?"

"It can hear you, and it has feelings," said Lucile, then added "apparently."

I could feel the echolocation pulses go through me like sonic torpedoes through tissue paper.

"And it has a spleen like a trout's ass." The new one said, "sorry, Brown Owl."

Brown Owl came over. "Chantel, now the rumors started by the people studying for their - really really really smart badges were correct. There is alien life beyond the great sky rock. Aliens are real, but it turns out they are far more revolting to look at than we could believe. Listen up, troop and Lilly stop poking your nose, you're not five. They are wanted by the hated inquisition, we have sworn to uphold peace and justice in the galaxy. Even if the galaxy is actually bigger than we think. So, in this case Peace is getting them out of here, and justice means we get to annoy the inquisition. Now have I forgotten anything ..." The brown owl said.

Then she answered herself self "oh yeas, if we don't get them out in five hours, they will use a weapon to destroy this city and everyone in it. The solid sky could break open like an egg. This could lead to a loss all the sea in this world, ultimately killing everything and everyone in the entire galaxy. The universe would become one huge dry, desolate cold dead husk of a world."

"So no pressure, but the fate of the galaxy and everyone in it depends upon us," Lucile said.

Brown owl nodded "yes, but just do your best, Lucile." she said, "All the good news is if we do save the galaxy, there will be ice-cream for everyone afterward, my treat."

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