Chapter 29/Capsule time

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A/N As you know we don't like to fill our author's notes to plead with people to vote, comment add to reading lists and all that stuff. Instead, we are going to send positive vibes to everyone who did ( I can you feel them we are sending them to you now). We would also ask everyone to send some positivity to SpaceX for the successful abort test. Who needs to write Science fiction space ships when the real things are happening already! 

Emma's POV. 

Later Bex floated back from where ever she had been with a huge smile on her face. It was like an idiot angel had been pushed into the cell with me. I didn't ask.

"I've discovered our - my- future owner is borderline evil." I told Bex just to lower the mood. But no, You couldn't remove that smile from her face with a crowbar. I looked around for a crowbar just to check, but no.

"I don't get what's going on?" I said.

"News flash" Bex began "This just in. The Alpha is becoming soul bonded with Sabrina . Marriage of the Millennium. William and Catherine Middleton pushed into a shiny second place. "

Click. Pandora finished the 'lock' and the cage was complete.

"So Sabrina is to be the Alpha's mate." I said out loud just to clarify stuff. "their souls are entwined. Forever. One can't live without the other. Each feels the hurt of the other. Yada Yada Yada"

"This also seals the union of two packs as one." Pandora said as she tightened another bolt-on our 'cell'.

"Red Paw" I began - it was about the third-largest pack. Big in North America and Canada, most of Australia. I wasn't sure if this was the concubine implant or something I already knew. It felt it was related to something important but I wasn't sure what. It was like so much of me was just beyond reach. Like there was a truth on the tip of my tongue and I couldn't get it out. Ever forgotten a word. You know it means but can't remember it? This was me know. It was like I had some kind of mission and somehow I had lost it. 

"The Red Paw pack They won't be happy. I bet they were behind the mines in the air-car. I wonder who planted them actually how ? But where do we fit into all this?"

It was odd being in the middle of this huge geopolitical drama. Actually geopolitical didn't cut anything anymore. This was bigger than one planet. One landmass threatening another was as out of data as gramophone records, cable TV and original programmes on Netflix.

The alpha and all the other werewolves had copies of themselves on other stars. I 'remembered' this was where the action was at. We, the people of Earth, were now part of a huge galactic empire - a thousand worlds like Earth united under one rule. The rule of Lycans. Kill or be killed. Survival of the fittest and death to the weakest. Live for fighting or die crying. To be frank thousand of worlds was a huge underestimate. I remember my dad saying that you could have a thousad worlds within 300 light years of Earth. An empire of a thousand worlds was hardly getting over spitting distance in galactic terms.

"FYI It's common to kill all the concubines after the wedding, it's like deleting your tinder profiles together." Pandora began "its a sweet touching show of togetherness."

Victoria floated b,  her eyes drooping. "People delete their tinder profiles when they get married? What ever for? Surely marriage is when you need your tinder profile the most."

I still wasn't talking to Victoria. She could interrupt all she liked but I wasn't yet ready to speak to her.

I frowned "Oh. So how do they normally kill the concubines?" I asked already regretting the answer."

Victoria floated by again "grot-ing."


"I hate garrotting," I said. After you are resurrected it's hard to swallow for weeks.

"You hate garrotting? I really hate it I mean how do you even spell it? Worst word ever very close to my personal nemesis. " Victoria said.

"Err ... auto correct." Said Bex.

Victoria was really referring to the word 'beautiful'. It was so hard for her to spell she would never use it. She wouldn't even pronounce it. Nothing was beautiful. It was cute, or cool, even splendid but never beautiful.

I tried to focus on the big stuff. " How long have I got before this garrotting?"

"For royal weddings, it's quite complicated," Pandora said "it's all determined by the position of the moon, the stars and the Hubble space telescope. The bonding begins in a few days time, the actual ceremony is a few weeks away. The other packs will be trying to focus on the wedding. If it doesn't happen at the right time then it's off. It will be years before the planets are in alignment. Not ours theirs."

I looked up and saw the porthole then the picture on the main screen.

"WTF is that?" I said.

Back on Earth, my jaw would have dropped faster than Russell Brand's pants at a strip club. In space there was no down, so no dropping, but my mouth was in the same position. I saw a huge coke can shape it was the size of Mount Rainier. It was huge. I mean bigger than Apple's Bank account even bigger than Elon Musk's Ego. I mean it, if that guy's ego was any bigger then it would have its own visitors centre. This space city is that big. It's like a massive beer can floating in the sea of space. By massive I mean bigger than an oil tanker. If you want something for scale and the mountain isn't doing it for you. Imagine all the beer drunk at every frat party and super bowel for 20,000 years. Like lakes full. We are talking so big it's starting to be bigger than even the idea of beer.

"It's massive," I said OK I was impressed. I shouldn't be but I am.

"That's the Alpha's lesser Orbital Winter Palace, " Pandora said weaving a light cable decoratively through the holes like Christmas lights. "It's only 250,000 acres. Well if you include all six levels that's 1.5 million. It will do while I build the official permeant place in high orbit."

I blinked "his palace is the size of Delaware ? Wow the cleaning bill must be enormous."

"You don't know the half of it." Pandora said eyes-rolling.

I looked out and Bex moved close to look out of the porthole, you could see the Earth in the distance. "Wow we are a long way from Earth, we are really on our own now," I said.

"Like how much on our own?" asked Bex looking.

"Well, I can guarantee Uber-eats doesn't deliver up here," I said.

"OMG." Bex said shocked, "we really are forsaken." 

The Alpha's concubine (Girl x Werewolf)Where stories live. Discover now