Chapter 17/Drone wars sounds too basic.

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"You ALL need to see this," Victoria said loudly in English to everyone.

She got up and went to the double entrance town hall doors. As she did more people looked out and followed. I got down from my chair and want out of the town Hall. Victoria was already outside looking up when I had caught up. I bent my head as she and the others did. There above us, the sky was filled with thousands or even hundreds of thousands of drones. The drones flew in formation like huge black ribbons through the sky. Each ribbon moved in a different direction and at a different height. The combined sound made the drones playing like a huge F sharp played on the devil's double bass. The noise was terrible.

The drones began moving like two competing flocks of starlings at sunrise.

"What's that?" I said. 

"Drones," Dad said open-mouthed "more drones than you could shake a box full of sticks at." 

Victoria was ahead of us pointing, there in the distance near Chelmsford mall, a different stream moved. The Streams of drones seem to be moving towards each other. Then when they got close they began to split up like the threads fraying from cloth. 

"How on Earth do you know all this horrific stuff?" Mom said walking out behind me. 

Behind me Dad walked out with more people following behind "Hey I can take notes If I'm watching season three of The Expanse and the Angle has Fallen if I want to." 

The streams began to fly towards each other then as the drones got placed each other they broke out and started forming balls of dogfighting drones. It was like two beehives trying to fight each other on a bee by bee basis.

Mom came out and put her hand on my shoulder.

"We should move inside now," she said worriedly.

Just then a drone dropped out of the sky. It had obviously been damaged crashing into another drone. It hit Miss Vamp on her head and bounced off. Looking up Miss Vamp put her hand to ahead and saw blood on her hand.

"Game over. Time to get away." I said grabbing Victoria's hand and pulled her back.

The battle of Richmond Hill as it later was called, began. The drones started to move like slow black death towards our heads, death ebbed like black smoke. It was hideous and malevolent like death half transformed between smoke and apparition. Obviously, I am exaggerating, Richmond Hill it was more than three miles away and it was more of a rise than a hill anyway.

Above us thousands possibly millions of drones began to attack each other. It was like two swarms of opposing starlings starting to slug it out. Pretty soon drone fragments began to rain from the sky. Imagine rain made from ball bearings and you are out without your tin-hat raincoat. This is me and Victoria. We ran to the town hall. Dad ran out to protect us and Mom waved us to her under the roof.

Victoria and I rushed in with dad behind us. The roof began to quiver like a drum when something landed on it. As more drones knocked each other out the single crashes sped up and merged into a huge rolling wall of static.

"What's happening?" Mom said to Dad. FYI practically first words not shouted in two years.

"A war is happening above our heads. We need to get under the tables or find somewhere safe."

Dad said.

"What?" shouted mom.

"WE NEED TO GET UNDER THE TABLES OR FIND SOMEWHERE SAFE," Dad shouted over the noise. OK, they were back to shouting at each other again but in a weirdly positive way.

Fortunately, there was a pit dug underneath the building. The town hall also doubled as a community centre and there were a number of beer barrels left down there. We all rushed down to hide. The noise above us got louder. Like Baby Metal levels of louder. 

 I could see Victoria on her own near the wall. I pushed between people to get to her.

I grabbed Victora. "You've got to tell everyone I didn't steal that stuff from MAC and neither did Jane Mansfield," I said.

Victoria looked at me. "I think you should know. I'm going to run away from home and join NASA" said Victoria. "It's been nice knowing you."

I looked at Victoria "You're going to join NASA as what?"

"I'm going to join as an astronaut. With a space war like this going on. No one is going to notice someone sneaking on to the moon and stealing the treasure from the man in the moon."

"You're too young to be an astronaut," I said.

"It's OK," Victoria said. "I'm not stupid. I'm going to lie about my age. I'm going to say I've 32 with a PhD in astrophysics."

"Why are you doing this?" I said " There is no treasure on the moon. There is no man on the moon."

"There is! My dad told me" Victoria insisted. I looked into her open opal eyes. She meant it.

I decided not to be distracted "You've got to confess to the shoplifting thing."

"Really" Victoria began " We both know they won't let criminals into NASA. Plus if I did my folks would just relocate and change identities again. The next one could be serious. I didn't say this before but in my last identity my current sister Jane was my brother Jim." Victoria started.

I snapped. "I'm being serious. You're not the daughter of a spy. There is no fabulous treasure on the moon. Your back garden is not full of land mines and deadly countermeasures."

"It is".

"It's a lie. It's all lies. All you do to me all the time is lie." All this shouting over the noise of drone death was making me more angry. Outside I could see flashed as drones exploded.

Victoria's fantasy world was getting too extreme. Laser mines in the garden, treasure chambers on the moon, this was all nuts.

"Run away with me. I know we could both join NASA together. We could tell them we are twins." Victoria said.

"No" I insisted "you've got to admit to stealing the make up."

"NO" shouted Victoria and rushed up the stairs of the shelter. I followed her.

With that, the noise on the roof stopped and it looked like 'the war' was over. We waded out through millions of tiny drone bodies. Everyone decided to go home as they wanted to see what state their houses were in. Before I could do anything I saw Victoria disappear with her mother in an SUV. 

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