Chapter 27/Dear ground

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Cloistered Abbey of Regina Laudis/Emma's POV.

We all spilt out on to the ground outside the damaged air-car. I looked around. For the moment in the distance, we were surrounded by stoned columns and overly manicured bushes. I could hear the sound of a small fountain nearby and the air was heavy with Jasmine and Lilac. Then  I could see women in long black dresses and a wimple rushing towards us. My head was still spinning which meant I ended up having to concentrate because this really did feel like the waiting room for heaven.

Reality came into focus and I guessed we had crashed into the centre of a cloister in some kind of nunnery. I was fairly sure I was alive because the alternative was that heaven had been horticulture shopping in Menards or Home Depot which was frankly a little disappointing. I mean who wants to go do discount heaven? If there was life everlasting then I hoped I would get something a little more upmarket. I might not be Greta Thunberg but I don't think I had done enough sin to go to discount heaven.  Everything came into focus.

 I was still on a bit of an adrenaline high but I managed to stop my self from screaming at the top of my voice.

Victoria came out of the car with a bottle of Champagne in her right hand and glass in her left.

"We survived. Time for a little celebration I think" she said opening the bottle with her thumbs. The champaign opened in a gush and she poured some into a glass. I thought I was ok but I noticed my hands were shaking.

Both werewolves were in hybrid form, only their heads werewolf. They looked around and were ready for any threat.

I was just glad to be on the most stable ground. Oh, ground how I missed you ground. You are definitely my most favourite form of surface to stand on. I now realise you were all ways there for me ground. I had my first steps on you. My first run, job. I learnt to cycle on you.  Oh, Ground you are the queen of surfaces and the most reliable and stable of terrain. Except in California. I'm not sure what they did to offend you but it must have been pretty bad. I praise you ground. It is not for nothing we talk about the coolest people as being 'grounded' or 'rooted' or the smartest as well grounded in something. I celebrate you ground and promise never to take you for granted. I thought.

I went over to Bex and hugged her. She was trying to hide looking at her hands from everyone.

"The most exciting thing in my life and I can't put it on instagram" she said. "How bad is that?"

I sat next to her trying to hide my semi-nakedness and recover. "Well you're right, you don't walk away from a mid-air explosion every day."

"No" Bex whispered "I meant I lost my you-know-what. It was 23 minutes from when I was sold so he came a minute early."

"Sorry with all that concubine training, that sounded like innuendo," I said.

"That was innuendo." Bex said and looked down to her hands dictating "bucket. list. item. number. five. ticked. off. Six.was.skydiving . tick. Next. is .dancing. naked. in. a . waterfall." Bex looked at me "Know any good rivers? Hey? I'm clearly on a roll. I'm getting through a lot of items do day."

It was hard to tell the werewolves apart but I think the Alpha walked over to a nearby wall. He reached over to a cloth wall hanging and ripped it down. He handed it to me. I saw his eyes so I took it. His chest was heaving. He started to take deeper breaths then closed his eyes tight. Soon his head was reverting back to human shape. While it did I was able to catch a glimpse of his naked but very rippled stomach. Rippled like the duens of Sahara desert at sunrise.  His arms seemed thick and had a chest to match. He was what girls in my school said termed 'fit'. It was the kind of body you could imagine people walking up to him all day going 'can you give me the name of your personal trainer?'.

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