84/This is the end...

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"You're doing well," the Alpha said.

I was using the lasers to fire at anything vaguely mine like on the screen.

"I've always wondered what it would be like to be mine-full. Now I know, It sucks." I said, pressing a button on another target. Blue lines stabbed out of the ship hitting it. The tiny mine flew apart like a crushed M&M. "Sorry too early?" I finished.

For the last 45 minutes, I had been playing the worst game of defender ever. My fingers were numb, more numb Kristen Stewart's acting if that can be belived.

"Radar and Lidar suggest the minefield is ending.." Bex announced. I didn't look up but I think she was looking at a screen. It might have been possible she was reading her horoscope out to me but I'm willing to go with her dedication to duty on this one. 

The Alpha was sitting in a chair near mine. He was issuing orders to the fleet by moving ships on a display screen. "Ready missiles for combat. How long until we contact the Colossus and the remains of the immobilized fleet?"

"About five minutes," Guido said, looking up from his screen ( yeah I checked). There was worry boldly written on his face, it was so clear it could have been written with a Sharpe. His voice changed, "Oh by the great lunar goddess herself."

There in front of us was a massive armada. As far as I could tell, the black sky of space was filled with more spaceships then confetti at a wedding for a couple who got married at a confetti factory, during the middle of the world's biggest confetti conference. I pity the poor wrist of the CGI artist who has to make that many ships. It was a beach full of sand with every grain a ship. Between the ships, you could see the spinning remains of broken and blooded ships. 

 Before that number of ships, I felt alone and isolated like I was emotionally in lockdown again. As the Alpha's ships began to emerge from behind the Empress, the fleet began to fire on Sabrina's fleet. Sabrina's new and more massive fleet began firing back. It was like a huge shoal of sharks was descending on us.

"It looks like the lesser houses have decided which side they're going to come down on." The Alpha said. In case you're guessing it wasn't his.

"Move into their fleet like a stake. Mix with them. Once we are in with them, they will have to shoot on their own to hurt us. Take the fight to them. Come about." The Alpha said.

Guido nodded. The Alpha moved close to me.

"Beloved," the Alpha said, "Use the main cannon the planet crusher. Blast away through the biggest ships. Cause as much damage as possible."

I fired, and the fleets began to merge. Our ship was taking huge damage.

Even I knew this was just putting off the inevitable, and I never watched the history channel.

The Alpha came over, and I lifted a cover on the fire button. The Empress targeted the biggest ship, it was like trying to shoot a single fish in a shole of tuna and hope that would impress someone.

The Alpha looked at me and whispered, "I have an escape pod ready for you. Take it. Leave me and live. I beg you. I live with the shadow of death, but to lose you? That is a fear I cannot bear. Soon this ship, like the others, will crack and vent. I cannot watch you die. If you can live, that will be a victory for me. Please, not for you for me. I was not made so well as I could see you die. I beg you."

I looked at everyone else on The ship and felt cheap. I looked into his eyes and knew where my place was.

I smiled. "We belong by each other's side until the end of eternity," I told him, not moving.

The Alpha's concubine (Girl x Werewolf)Where stories live. Discover now