Chapter 21/The selection of the Moon goddess

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Temple of the Moon goddess

Emma's POV.

As we entered I looked around the temple of the moon goddess. It was full of statues of a werewolf in wolf form. They all had funny poses. The temple was dense with columns all coloured green like we were standing in a weird kind of forest. From above in the central aisle was a large white light entering into the room. I looked around, the rest of the concubines to be were sitting on pews waiting for the ceremony to begin.

Mistress Marissa came along and bowed to the priestess of the temple.

"Here my Abbott I have the honour of presenting you with our best students. These select few have been chosen on the basis of their ability."

It was part of me that wanted to run up and shout 'no no you stupid witch there is exactly one-sixth of the number of people in here than there were out there. The laws of chance and probability predict this exactly, no skill was necessary,' but I resisted. Partly because I didn't fancy getting shot and partly because I knew as well that the number of executives who 'had a nose for the market' and had predicted the market ups and downs accurately for five years in a row was exactly in line with the laws of combined probability as well. If I start complaining about this, there are lots of highly paid executives out there who would hunt me down for insulting their prognostic ability to. So yeah dumb.

Before the alter were seven short pillars. On top of each pillar was silver dish etched with lycan writing. One for each student.

The priestess walked gracefully up a short series of steps up to a dais. She addressed us.

"You are the chosen one. We need one more test of your skills. Your ability to read the flesh of the sacrifice will now be tested. You know what to do but your talent for the goddess is yet to be determined. You will all act as an Oracle. The client's name has been placed on a parchment under the dish as is the popper manner. You will tell the client's future. We have the great honour of having the Alpha's is high priestess herself come along to feel the spirit of the moon goddess in you to make the final selection. She is one of the few to make 100% accurate predictions. "

At this point, I cheered up  I just had to say something which would never come true and I could go free. Some poor sucker would get chosen but the odds were against me,..Yes.

The priestess continued.

"Given that some of you have already shown some talent in the art of prognostication those of you with minor skill cannot be permitted to return to the world of people. Those who are not powerful enough to be chosen will be sacrificed and their entrails will be used  for the great marriage ceremony as is traditional."

Terrific. I had heard of this, or perhaps this was concubine download. Either way, this was classic dead not,  a few minutes in the resection machine dead.

Each acolyte had to stand before another dish. We were all given 15 minutes to recite the appropriate prayer to the goddess. Then we began looking at the guts in the dish before us trying to figure out what to say.

"WTF does your sheep liver tell you?" I said quietly in desperation to Bex.

"I think it says, I eat too much rich grass as a lamb and was in early stages of hepatocellular carcinoma," Bex whispered back. 

"Next time silence in the presence of the goddess" Marissa said to me.

While she did she glanced up to make sure Marissa was far away. Marissa came over and cubbed the back of my neck. Half dazed I felt to the ground. There was a noise and everyone stood to attention.

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