Chapter 72/Lost in Face....

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I was sitting relaxing in Starbucks when Queenie joined me. I was looking out what looked like windows, but we were deep in the belly of the ship. They were just screens, but they gave the impression of the ship moving through space. As soon as we got on board, Queenie pushed the Empress out off to deep space. The news about her brother was very pleasing, and we were accelerating with full Earth Gravity. With that kind of push, we would be at Jupiter in under a week.

"Oh, I just got it." I said to Queenie after sipping my coffee, "*Star* bucks in space." I said, pointing to the rest of the cafe.

Queenie rolled her head back. "Duh! That is such a terrible joke. May be in space, it's just called Bucks."

"That's so lame it qualifies for its own handicapped parking space." I said, " Only Sabrina would build an entire cafe in her flagship just to serve up a joke like that."

Queenie sat down after getting a Chi-latte from the bar.

"Don't be too confident, missy." Queenie said, "You know there are elements of the original host which slip into the mix during the morphogenic process. She's more like you than you think. Including choice of men."

I looked over to Queenie "well, that's the biggest downer for the day, thanks."

Just then, Mr. Clink and Victoria came in.

"Ladies and well ladies, Can I introduce my dad. Did I mention I've just saved his life after being buried in an Alien tomb on the moon for five years? No? well, your welcome" Victoria said.

Mr. Clink came over and looked down on me, I felt I should stand or something but heck it was technically my ship,  "OK, you're the captain apparently, what's the sitrep?" he said to me.

"The world has been taken over by alien werewolves." I began. I thought I would start at the top. I was thinking of adding, 'and they have these weird cape-like things. They are like capes but not as we understanding them' But I didn't.

Victoria practically skipped over to the bar to get coffee while Spy-for-a-dad sat down.

"Check. OK, we'll have to sort that out." Mr. Clink said he looked over to Queenie "hi," he said smiling. 

I looked over at him "Well, good luck with that one you see the world is now rather dependent on Lycan technology. The entire economy is piling up faster than a car crash. Schools have been automated with learning hats. Medical care is so cheap, it's pratically free. Housing is dirt cheap, industry was wiped out with duplicators that make anything. Food printers have devastated farming, free internet, free power. If the Lycans go then, we quickly drop into the stone age. So except for the arts, our economy pretty much belongs to them. Except no one can afford to buy art except the Lycans. "

"Free schools, free medical care, free food dam free internet. The only economy is art? It's like Communism," Mr. Clink said.

I was feeling in an argumentative mood. "Isn't that what technology does anyway? I mean before the iPhone people bought cameras, cam-corders, phones, torches, compasses, note pads, pagers, watches, alarm clocks stopwatches, postcards, CDs, record players, DVD players radios, recording studios, paper books, Filofaxes ? Remember them Filofaxes, underground maps... You know stuff. If you said back in 2008, then I will give you all this and more in your pocket for like ten bucks a month, wouldn't that be Communism?" I looked at Mr. Clink and continued, " No one complained when Netflicks killed Blockbuster. When you could send a text message over the internet for nothing rather than paying for a text on your plan, No one said that was Communism,  that was just old fashioned capitalism.  I mean, we were bound to make this kind of stuff eventually. They just sped all this development up. Point is Vee's Dad, it's going to be impossible to get people to pay for rent, food, electricity, education, and medicine again. Speaking of which, what do we call you? We can't keep calling you Vee's dad all the time?"

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