Chapter 71/If you decided to accept this...

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Two hours later,  after spending most of that time with hand-held hair dryers and ice picks. We sat in the medical bay outside the most industrial resurrection machine the Empress contained. The medical bay was white, glossy like a sales brochure. the room was a size of a small church and had room for 5 resurrection machines.  The minimal crew was six so the assumption was that one person had to be alive to save the others. 

The resurrection machines occupied the space like a factory of life. Pipes connected to them like the innards of some strange alien intestine. They had panels of colored lights which gave an indication of something happening inside. 

Victoria had worry written boldly across her face, so bold it might have been written with a Sharpe.

"Do you think it will work?" Victoria said nervously.

I hadn't heard of anyone being frozen and brought back to life before. If Mr. Clink's brain was intact it would in theory work. That said I had never seen a resurrection machine work so long and hard before. There would be some point where it would not work. It's not like you could put the mummified body of Tutankhamun in and get the boy back out again. I knew this because someone had actually tried that and they ended up with a clone of the boy king who ended up calling himself Frank but had no knowledge of ancient Egypt.

"Would you care to explain?" I said as the spectral machine hummed behind us.

Victoria screwed up her face. "It's my dad." She admitted looking to the pure white floor.

"I kind of worked that bit out for my self," I said. "What is he doing frozen like a Popsicle on the moon?"

Victoria carried on looking at the floor. The colored panel lights reflected on her cheeks. 

"Remember that rocket ship that was launched to investigate when Pandora arrived? " Victoria said looking miserable, "Turns out he was on it. He never came back."

It took me a minute to work my mind back. My memories were so unreliable but I realized something.

"You had figured out what he was doing the day you decided to do your little store raid on MACs?" I said. She always lashed out when he went away. Like if she could get her self into enough trouble he might be forced to come back to sort things out. I should have figured this out long ago. 

Victoria didn't look at me "maybe."

I sat back in my chair. "How did you know where he was?"

"The Lycan's give offerings to the Moon mother. In this case of unbelievers who desecrated the temple, it's their bodies."

Bex had come in and was checking the screens above the resurrection machine. It had been going for thirty minutes now. This was as long as I had ever seen a resurrection machine go.

"desiccated ?" Bex said confused "someone had tried to freeze-dry the temple on the moon?"

"No desecrated as in sacrilegious. Like popping into the Vatican and using the alter for a convenience and a bishop's robes as material for a party dress."

"Uh," Bex said.

I turned back to Victoria "OK, Vee, that's how he got there. What about you finding out?"

Victoria shrugged "I said I was the high concubine for the alpha. I was bought along with the other concubines by Sabrina and the other haunted as they celebrated - Kreeg. Well, it was either me or the Ak-a-lune I'm not sure. I had a memory of seeing the body."

It took me a moment to figure out Kreeg. Kreeg was the kind of Lycan Christmas. Once a year they would dig down in the dust before the pyramid and then go through the traps to reach the central chamber, do some weird-ass ritual and get out.

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