Chapter 33/The Concubine house

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A/N we are back? did you miss us? We missed you.  Sit back relax enjoy the chapters wash over you and get your weekend vibe on. Also, any rumours Alpha's Concubine has been optioned by Netflix are wildly exaggerated to the point of being misleading. RK+Reb.

When Pandora was done I felt like I had the face of a solemn geisha. Honestly by comparison a clown would look more natural. It was like they didn't want anyone to recognise me. In return Queenie relents and I'm wearing some shiny black leggings with this 'dress'. I say dress but it's more like a long shirt. In exchange I'm wearing the most ridiculous heels in existence but on the good news front Queenie makes a decisions on advice from Pandora. She decides to let me not change my pink hair but hide it in a weird ass black wig. Bex too has had the Queenie Bex over experience and it's only because I can see her looking at her hands I can tell that Bex is there.

"Look at my fingernails," said Bex waving her bright red claws at me "I've seen shorter nails joining a couple of 2 by 4s. If they were any longer I could scratch my toes without bending over. This is serious, I mean, I might never be able to type again."

I felt equally overdressed. I could feel my eyelids when I blink. After the official branding over Pandora led Bex and I out before some more robot wolves. Under their stares I'm no longer in an arguing mood.

We were on some moving walkway which moved people aka concubines through the huge complex of buildings. This place was big I mean bigger than Disney land.

"I'm sure they will help in your first matches." Said pandora looking at Bex's fingers.

I look at her as we pass from one building to another. Occasionally I get a view of the outside world.

'This place is big, I've been in smaller airports. In fact I've flown between airports which were closer together than this." I say "Whats this about First Matches?" I begin.

Pandora looks like she thought I should know what she's talking about."Sure. This is the alpha's palace. It's expected that you will fight to the death to progress up the concubine hierarchy."

"What happens if we don't want to fight the others over who gets to lick the alpha's shoes next?" Bex says.

Pandora smiles "Well then you are calling shotgun on who gets to go out in the forests to be hunted down by the guests at the wedding."

"Now I see the attraction" I said.

As we go down the corridor I begin to see other concubines and I realise the uniform might work in my favour. I can blend in here. Looking like this, I might get passed up by my entire family in an identity parade. We start to enter a very impressive area. The Lycan modular mechano look is gone and the Alpha is showing off his wealth by having something which feels more opulent like Versailles but on dog drugs. The place is richly decorated but the decorations look strangely alien.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"The Alpha has is due to hold court soon and it's traditional to have a selection of concubines behind him," Pandora says. We continue and I notice someone who for the life of me looks like Alexa. I was sure it was just the makeup. I wasn't sure how she could get here.

"OK" Pandora says. "This is the concubine area. It's cozey and only has one hundred and thirty floor so you should get to find your way around quite quickly. Traditionally dinner is served in September."

"The month?" I say.

"Yeah - traditionally you spend the rest of the year living off your kill or hunting down the others for food or finding their food caches," Pandora said still somehow smiling about it.

"I think I heard Italian Vogue had the eat once a year as a policy in their cafeteria" I said. "The Italian Vouge which closed rather suddenly in November of the same year."

Pandora nodded.

"We realise that's not going to work on Earth diets so we throw in Lunch too." Pandora confims.

We were guided past some concubines looking dangerously at us.

"So we get fed at Lunch and in September," Bex said.

"Thats about it" said Pandora as we entered another strange-looking room.

We look around to see it's has a ceremonial vibe to it. There is a large door on the other side of the room which screams "I'm going somewhere important." I look at the door we entered and if it was screaming something it would be saying "I'm with the other door idiot."

There are some chairs around the edge with concubines in veils on it. Pandora goes over to a shelf and picks up a couple of veils which she hands over to Bex and I.

"Its traditionally that the court never see's the faces of the concubines. On the homeworld it was also traditional that the court couldn't recognise your individual smells to. So we would rub you in Elephant dung to submerge that signal. We don't do that here."

"Elephants in nappies  todangerous," I say.

Pandora nods - yeah she keeps doing that - "that and you have the olfactory capability of a wet rock so it's not necessary."

We pull the veils on. There is a sound and the concubines in the room get up and line up. The lesser door to the concubine house opens up and a few more concubines come in looking at us.

"What do we do?" I say.

"It's normally a three week training course, but you go in sit down in the gallery and say and do nothing," Pandora said.

"Oh, I think I could ace that final exam," Bex said.

"No looking at phones" Pandora said to cause Bex to immediately slump her shoulders.

"OK I need to pick you up when you're done and take you to your quarters. You have fun concubining" Pandora said almost waving and leaving.

A gong sounded and the concubines veils down all lined up. While they were all beautiful they all looked carefully at each other. I knew that look. I had seen it during my attempt to get a barista job. They were evaluating my weaknesses. Swimming with piranhas would be less dangerous.

While we stood around to go to the great hall for some ceremony. I made the mistake of saying I didn't know what I was doing.

That was dumb, one of the other concubines grabbed me and held me while I had a new dose of the 'royal' education hat on. Now suitably educated I was let go. I pulled the wig back on and kept the thing which was halfway between a lace veil and a mask.

The plus side of my new education was it came with a 'map' of the areas the concubines could and could not enter. The Alpha's place was so big it made the death star look like a small weekend shack in the woods.

Pretty soon we were marching elegantly towards the royal chambers

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