Chapter 28/Lift off

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"A ship is coming," Guido said looking up.

"Wow that's quick," Victoria said. 

Yeah a little too quick unless Sluber has a rocket park nearby. Something was up. 

I looked up to see a large shiny steel space ship heading right for us.

Looking at Bex I said. "Frying pan, Fire. Insert metaphor here."

Bex looked up from her hands. "Yep we're fucked." She said looking up "dam wish I had something cute to say as my last tweet."

Looking up Guido pulled his weapon out.

"Don't' worry. I ordered a Sluber remember. " Victoria said.

Sluber was a super slutty rocket for hire. The shadow of the ship hit us then at the last second the engines fired to throw it off to land just behind a nearby building which protected us from the blast.

Victoria looked up "Nice suicide burn." She said putting a pair of sunglasses on.

We walked out into an orange grove and was amazed as a huge ship stood landed. Dust settled.

I had seen these kinds of ships before. They hung out at the abandoned LA airport all the time. They looked like a large 130foot high cylinder with legs. The nose was pointy and the whole thing had an underwealming 50's painless steel vibe about it. They used the same kind of Micro fusion drive which drove much of the other werewolf tech.

A panel opened, a beam emerged and a box was lowered on a cable. The box was glass and I could see a Pandora standing in it. The box landed on the ground, Pandora opened the door.

"Hi, so Mandy were are we going?" Pandora said as we got into the glass box.

The Alpha looked at Victoria "Mandy?"

"No" said Victoria, "Victoria."

"Well I'm here for Mandy," said Pandora holding up a screen with a picture of a werewolf.

Victoria made a disappointed noise. We all squeezed out of the glass elevator box.

Just then Victoria got a call on her watch.

"Well, where the raven's nuts are you?" Victoria said looking around with her wrist to her ear. "Yeah I'm near the church? .....Northside ? No.. I'm on the south side stay there if you know what's good for you."

While we stood there disappointed another werewolf turned up. She walked into the glass box. "Mandy?" said the Pandora from the glass box. The werewolf nodded and the glass box lifted off. 

Guido lifted his weapon but Victoria still talking to her hand out her other hand to push it down.

I didn't get much of a chance to see what happened next. Looking up another rocket came down tail first. It landed on the other side of the church. And it kicked up a huge amount of dust.

"That's us," Victoria said shouting with her hands over her ears.

While the ship wound down we walked over.

"Cool ship. Can I drive?" Victoria said as we walked to the glass elevator. I was getting a really willy Wonka feel from it.

"You're drunk," the Alpha said.

"Yes I sure am, but can I drive?" Victoria asked again wobbling into the elevator.

"You stole a spaceship from me," the Alpha said.

"Well, I said I was sorry, didn't I? Geezzz what do you want?" Said Victoria as this point they are getting fainter.

Alpha growled. 

The Alpha's concubine (Girl x Werewolf)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu