Chapter 67/ A chapter slightly more dangerous than the previous one

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We emerged into a dimly lit dark grey room. The room was the size of a tennis court. Sorry was that too privileged for you? School gymnasium but not the size of a gym which has like seats either side for the fans to watch from. Our school was small and we used to lose every basketball match so they didn't want to completely humiliate the players with an audience. What made this room different was it was round. Like circular, like the oval office but with queal sides.  The floor was silver-grey moon rock but the wall - wall singular no corners - was made from some black material. The room was lit at intervals by spotlights or something, creating eerie columns of light in the gloom.

As we stood there Victoria grabbed my hand. I think this was the most worrying thing of all. We looked about and we couldn't see any Lycan in writing on the walls.

"I'm getting a bad feeling about this," I said. Before I could say anymore we turned to walk towards the entrance which suddenly disappeared. The room was dark but I could hear something moving like rock sliding over rock. Victoria looked about her quickly.

"Vee, how do I stop it?" I said.

"I don't know my memory of this place is when I walked through blindfolded" Victoria.

As my eyes adjusted I realized that the wall was moving. Then I grasped something else, the wall was getting closer.

"hang on," I said looking around my palms becoming sweaty. "the wall is getting closer? Do you see that? That's impossible."

As I watch the wall move around as it was quite clear every side was getting closer and closer, the room was shrinking.

"Do something!" Victoria said. The walls moved slowly just enough to see it slowly chew up the ground between our bodies and it. We moved to the center of the cylindrical room.

"Like what?" I asked as the wall crept towards me. The room was now half the size it was. It's shrinking faster than my bank balance on a Friday.

"Something Sabrina-ish," Victoria suggested looking upwards.

I looked around the room was the size of a small Japanese flat and shrinking. My mind definitely ran through all the things I could imagine Sabrina saying.

"I order you to stop," I said. Familiar but nothing happened. I tried other things but it didn't seem to work.

"look look," Victoria said as she walks to the wall "see you can notice something like a button." She instinctively pressed it before I could say anything. As soon as she did the wall started to rotate more quickly and as it did it started to spiral in more rapidly. The space we were standing in was now getting smaller than an SUV. You could hear the rock grinding more quickly around us.

"there must be something," I said.

"look holes," Victoria said. It was dark in the space and the smaller it got the darker it became. I had a small flashlight which I used. Under its light, I was able to spot some small holes about the size of your hand rotating around us at different speeds. The holes were out of sequence. I looked up while the space around us was small I thought the room was at the same height. The holes kept rotating about us at different speeds.

"look the top holes are moving faster than the bottom ones," I said. Those were completely smooth so this must have some reason. We were now in a space in a little bigger than an old fashioned telephone box or possibly the original moon lander.

"look they are climbing holds." I Said. "see they start to the lineup."

At this point, we could hold our arms out to reach either side of the shrinking cylinder we were now in.

I lept up and grabbed one of the holes. This left space below me for Victoria. I put my foot on Victoria's head then pushed up and pulled up to reach the next handhold above me.

"FASTER!" Victoria said.

A new foothold came near my ankle and I put my toe on it to push up from it. Looking up it was black like the room had a mat black ceiling on it. I reached up anyway and with another grab of a hold managed to put my hand through the black ceiling. The room was getting to be about the size of a coffin.

"Hurry," Victoria said as I managed to get my second hand up and pulled my body into the room above. It was like I was standing on an old-fashioned gramophone record the size of the warehouse. The grinding continued the floor moved beneath my feet. I reached back down into the hole but at the speed, it was closing I began to become worried if my arm would get caught if I'd left it too long.

"VEE!" I shouted reaching down.

It was dark in the cylinder but then I suddenly felt a hand grab mine. I pulled very hard and in the moons gravity was able to launch her out of the hole. She sailed over my head and by the time she had landed I looked back to the hall she had just come out of. It was the size of a dinner plate, then a bowl, a cup, a pencil then it was gone with a slight eruption of grey sand.

I looked over "fuck that was close." I said getting my breath back.

Victoria started to smile "look I think we're there," she said.

Before us were too statures of werewolves guarding a high doorway. One wolf which had its mouth open. Victoria took a deep breath and nodded at the carving.

"This is you. As the guardian of the keys only Sabrina can open this it's DNA locked to her.. and you." Victoria said.

I looked on, "What happens if it thinks I'm not her."

Victoria shrugged "the main door worked."

I took a deep breath and put my hand in and could feel a rope inside, I grabbed it. The stone wolf closed its jaws around my arm. I couldn't pull my arm out. I looked at Victoria in panic.

"That was in the spacesuit. Through a glove." I said just figuring it out.

"Shit," Victoria said she ran over to grab my arm but it was stuck down there.

The sculpture began to close its mouth. It's stone fangs began to press into my arm.

"VEEE!!" I said.

Then the huge door the wolves guard suddenly lifted. I looked at it turned to Victoria and then felt my arm released.

"Oh looks like you did it" Victoria. "Welcome to the temple of the moon goddess." 

"Thanks," I said stretching my hand. It hurt when I opened my palm, "I think that wolf sprained a tendon in my hand." 

A/N  Quite an adventure - but what is the treasure Victoria is so desperate to find? 

A/N  Quite an adventure - but what is the treasure Victoria is so desperate to find? 

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