Chapter 34/The alpha does the whole alpha thing

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Eventually after concubines filed into the hall were the 'court' was held.

We were part of the Alpha's floor show. We would sit on cushions near the throne. The whole event was a mix of Lycan and human elements. The Lycan's used the terms of royalty but there was no such thing as a prince inheriting the Alpha's throne. He fought for it and it passed from hand to hand like a president. I guess you could imagine it was like if one president had to fight the next contender for the job every five years ... with actual weapons not words.

From under my veil I looked around. The royal court was like a cast call for Twilight. The Lycan's were young, they looked between about 17 and 21. You could not find one who was not super hot. The women would have been actresses and models. They all looked unnervingly perfect. Honestly I've see worse looking spreads on the pages of Vouge. The more I looked the more I noticed they didn't smile. There was something about their stone eyes which made them alert, somber and just a little dangerous.

We hung around for ages and then, for a break hung around a bit more. Someone liked making people wait. Then there was a huge bang. I almost jumped, From the info dump I knew that symbolised the Alpha's arrival. Digital Guards entered and a large pair of doors opened. At this point a grey wolf was point for a formation of large wolves entering the space. They looked lean, savage and dangerous. The lead wolf looked little bigger than the others and his grey eyes seemed more ruthelss. He moved in and when he looked at me I felt it was like a cold shadow was passing over my grave.

The 'court' bows and so do the other concubines. I realise I'm now basically a dog's cheer leader so I play along.

The led silver werewolf goes up and sits on a bench facing- the wolf equivalent of a throne. The other werewolves still in wolf form arrange them selves about him. The Alpha sits and pulls the whole transformation stunt I saw Sebrina do. One of the fabulous looking werewolves comes up and covers him with a sheet. I see a form in the change, he's a wolf his body under the sheet changes into human. The sheet is pulled off and I'm suddenly seeing the body of a fit man, it is the alpha. Except now he is more rigid. He's managed to transform in to slacks as well. May be I'm stupid, but I'm still impressed how the werewolves do that.

Standing up her glowers over the world. Everyone kneels, put their head down and raises their right arm in a first to him. OK it's a bit of a rockstar pose but I'm doing it to.

"All hail the alpha" we all say.

The Alpha looks around. He pauses and waits for the people's arms to begin to hurt.

"Rise" he orders and people break pose. Most of the people are before him. I'm part of the yashmak wearing cheerleading section off to the side. I know from my info dump, all I have to do is to sit still and look cool. Which is more tricky than you think. I like the veils now. I can hide behind one. Before me all these werewolves are unnervingly perfect. It's like they are shooting an expensive pop-video here. Any moment I think someone is going to shout action, the loud base heavy techno music is going to come on and everyone is going to start dance in amazing precision. Except they don't. There is something in their eyes - calculated danger. Cold violence curled up like a clock spring ready to explode.

The Alpha - ( wow people so need first names in this alien civilisation) looks around. He's on a platform looking over people. He nods at someone.

"Lord Tucker of the Deep Claw pack. You knee was the last to bend to your Alpha" says the Alpha. He's stiff like a General. He's speaking in High lycan.

"Lord was it mine?" says a voice to the back.

"Lord Tucker approach." The high Alpha says. Everyone gets the you are-so-going-to-get-it vibe about him'.

The Alpha's concubine (Girl x Werewolf)Where stories live. Discover now