Chapter 54/The great dance of knots and decisions

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The Great Place/The Grand staircase

Emma's POV. 

The grand staircase moved slowly downward like a rainbow-colored waterfall made from taffeta. I couldn't believe the note. I read it again.

"Tonight we will dance together by the Moon goddess. . The Ak-A-Lune."

The Ak-A-Lune what is the kind of head assassin whoever it was must be here tonight. That wasn't a great starting point as basically most people here tonight. The Kadrill was a kind of social speed dating for wolves. As the dance pattern, as intricate as a crop circle, passed over the floor, Partners will be exchanged regularly. This represented formally something that a pack would frequently do. Don't ask me what. I don't normally spend that much time in front of the Discovery Channel. What I did know was that it used a huge staff which was banged on The floor to mark the changing of partners. Pandora held it out.

As expected, I started holding hands with the Alpha. As we moved we passed from partner to partner. There was a change in the tonality of the music. I swapped partners with Biri and now danced with Sebastian. The Alpha was now dancing with Biri as high manners of this ancient civilization demanded.

Sebastian came to me, he moved his head close to speak urgently to me.

"My Alpha, My Queen I have been chewing over the bones of the library." He began, it took me a moment to get that one. Lycan books are traditionally bones you run your tongue over. "There are few clues in the great library. The Ak-A-Lune the-master-of-poisons and shadow death, is likely by tradition to choose to be united with the body of a woman. There will be some hidden message or way of letting the Alpha know who the assassin is and having him avoid it. "

My guess was that this Master's assassin was the person who was holding the real Sabrina. If she spoke to me then it will be likely that the Ak-A-Lune, would know I was a fake. If this was true she might give herself away.

At this point, there was the huge bang of a large wooden staff held by Pandora marking a change of partner.

Sebastian passed me over to The Alpha's Mom.

"It's a living shame that you couldn't be in your true form during your pregnancy." The Alpha's Mom said.

I shrugged, "my true form is whatever is swift of foot, sharp of tooth, and can lurk well in the shadows near my pray." Okay, I admit I pick that one up from somewhere. I've had so many skills and experiences dumped into my brain I've lost track of everything. Just as the great staff band upon the floor again I suddenly wondered if this was a veiled reference to me not being Sabrina. Had she guessed?

I rejoined talking to Sebastian.

"The Ak-A-Lune will be who you least expect," Sebastian said. Quickly trying to avoid the sharp ears of the werewolves around me.

"Well the person I would least expect is me and I think I'm pretty safe on that line," I said back to him as we began to change partners at the sound of the next great beat. As I exchanged hands I wondered actually if you could be right. I mean I was pretty sure I was an assassin, perhaps I was the Master assassin perhaps, I'd attach the note to my own dress. Okay technically was a possibility but that was as far down the fight club hole as I wanted to go. For reasons of sanity I'm excluding myself but the balance that out I'm going to add in Sebastian for good measure. Just because I can, and technically I was dancing with him. Also, he did say mostly a woman.

My next partner was Lady Byeoudaou. This was going to be fun.

"You look splendid my dear." Lady Byeoudaou said stiffly and formally. Hands were thin frail and delicate. I knew technically well she had a body of a nubile starlet waiting for her close up, her mind was old as the oceans.

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