Chapter 39/Brioni

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The corridor outside the Alpha's personal quarters was empty. It had the feeling of a hotel. Clean, sober, the odd side table at intervals with decorative flowers. Door handles with 'do not disturb' or ' please clean' signs hanging from them.   I tried to push the idea out of my head that if I got caught I would die horribly. I concentrated on walking down the corridor like an Alpha. After a few minutes I got into the stride. Time I decided to try something, I walked passed some guards who were outside the Alpha's quarters. My throat was drier than a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous down a salt mine in the middle summer in Arizona.

I passed the guards, remembering not to look at them. As I passed by... nothing happened. I felt a small firework explosion inside.

I started to strut and carried on further from my bolt hole of Sabrina's crash out pad. I passed another couple of guards. Then suddenly noticed the concubine Natasha walking with a tray and a drink towards the Alpha's quarters.

"You," I said standing before her, Natasha looked down. "Yes, mistress."

"Yes, you the one with a face like a constipated chipmunk. You organise the Alpha's personal ... experiences don't you?" I said.

Natasha could only organise a "Yes Mistress."

"You do know, after the marriage, the Alpha will have to let you go," I said moving closer into her personal space.

"Yes, Mistress."

"Well just to let you know we haven't decided when we let you go if it will be from the top of a tall building or not." I said ."Just so you don't spend too long packing or anything."

"Yes, Mistress."

"That's it. You may go. I don't want to interrupt your important fluid-carrying activities." I added for good measure.

Natasha gave me the court curtesy and trotted off. I lifted my head up and walked off careful not to look back. Just as I did the door opened and out stepped another figure.

"SABRINA!" Shrieked a pert young girl who in the animal form must have been a poodle. Seriously she could be Mariko Takahashi's half-sister. If her neck was any longer and more elegant you would have assumed she was part giraffe. She was wearing enough green eye shadow to appear on an 80's pop video and a leather jacket like Sabrina's. It took me a second to 'remember' and I realised this was Brioni. The Alpha's sister.

"Biri!" I said as Lady Brioni leant forward to air kiss. FYI this conversation is in low Lycan, This is really street Lycan.

"How fabulous. How fabulous. I thought you had disappeared from my life for simply forever!" Brioni said "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the Alpha's - my beloved alpha to be... quarters" I said now desperate to get back to safety.

"SABS" said Brioni pointing back the way I came, "my brother's that way."

"I know," I said suddenly desperate "...I came that way but it's full of really ugly people and well I don't want to be judgemental or anything... but they really spoiled it for me. I'm not sure I'll ever use that path again."

I'm not sure where that whole sentence came from but it seemed to go down well.

Brioni leant back "oh I know just how you feel. Come on we will take the other path. It has much better-looking smooth-skins on it."

FYI - smooth-skins is another Lycan slang term for people. At this point, I'm in the passenger seat as we walk. Brioni gives me detailed info dump on her every movement for the last five days. I mentally prepare my excuse of where I have been, but the chance for me to speak never comes. If I said Brioni was an airhead that would be an insult to airheads. Vacuum head would be more accurate but you would really need something which had negative space to truly match Brioni's personality.

"Then I moved from the shower through my bedroom to the wardrobe room and I realised I had left my slippers in the shower so I went back through the bedroom to the shower. Then I turned around and went back through the ... look here's your room." Brioni finally said as we went into my/Sabrina's room. I'm relaxing by this point as clearly she's completely taken in by my Sabrina ness.

"I love your room. You have a doorknob. I love door knobs, don't you? They are so Earthy, So exotic, otherworldly. So sophisticated..." Brioni continued. I look across the room to see Victoria looking surprised and somehow slightly guilty on her discovery.

As the door shut Brioni changed completely.

"WHAT THE FUCK are you doing sending this slut round to my room? She's a complete insult to Sabrina." Brioni said. "I should kill her now."

Brioni pulls out a knife. There is suddenly a crash and a breaking of glass. I look into my hand and I'm holding a broken bottleneck like a weapon. Brioni stops and looks at my hand.

"Well, that's the most Sabrina-ish thing she's done so far." Brioni says.

Champagne is now leaking on the floor and Victoria rushes over to save it.

"Not the Chateau Lator!" Victora says now on the verge of crying.

"Biba?" Says a man's voice from outside. The Alpha comes in through his personal door. He's got a shirt on, its half unbuttoned and he's doing his own cuffs. He takes one look at me and the bottle top and halts.

"Sabrina?" He says.

"You got it lover," I said in Sabrina's English accent. "What's happening hot stuff?"

The Alpha looks confused for a second, which is just what I want. If he's confused if I'm Sabrina enough to pass this off. No matter what Brioni says, I 'm Sabrina.

"You're not Sabrina," says Brioni to me." And what's this Grufiling Grurrrsf doing here?"

Brioni looked at Victoria.

The Alpha comes over and stares down at Brioni. She's tall but he's taller. I see a kind of family resemblance between them. She makes it look super feminine while he makes it rock as a man.

"She's for the mission. A mission to find Sabrina by making her kidnappers stand out."

Brioni opens her mouth and you can see her fangs growing. "Grrr." She says.

The Alpha does the same thing "Grrrrrr" he says.

She half-smiles then they both revert back to human face form. While we talk one of the chairs changes into a scrubbing robot and cleans up the mess I created. I'm still a bit curious why I could subliminally smash a bottle.

Brioni comes over to me. "You know your place is to please him, but you can never have him?"

"Yes mistress," I say going into concubine mode. Smirking she comes over.

The Alpha comes over. "As I told you she's just here for the show." He grabs Brioni by her shoulders

" Victoria's right. This way to the public, the marriage of the packs is happening. As soon as the kidnappers realise it is going to happen anyway then they will release Sabrina."

"Or they kill her," Says Brioni.

"Not if they want a blood war. Taking out the alpha of any pack, off the field of battle would lead the others to remove the pack. No one wants to see the Black-scar-paw again. Look you must do this. It's for the good of the pack." The alpha grabbed her hand and turned it palm up "see that scar. That's your blood sister mark. You swore to protect her, your blood sister and my bride to be."

Brioni softens. "OK I'll do it if it's so important."

"Right" says the Alpha "for the good of the pack."

Brioni comes over and stares at me. "You keep your ape hands off my girl's Soul-bond. Or you have me to deal with."

"Brioni!" the Alpha shouts enough to make her shiver slightly. I'm stuck by the force of it - the air of complete authority. It's like someone could mould the force of law into a tone of voice and this would be it.

Brioni looks over "WHAT?" She says looking back but not turning her head.

"Leave her alone. She is mine. She is to be respected by my pleasure." he says in High Lycan.

Dagger eyes on me but she says nothing.

Brioni leaves and if feels like a small black hole has rolled smugly away.

The Alpha's concubine (Girl x Werewolf)Where stories live. Discover now