Chapter 6/Sold to Vestal Virgins

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 Photo Bex:

I woke up on another bench in another cell. These werewolves have no imagination for their prisoners. Just for once can I wake up on a soft fluffy bed with a cuddly cat pillow? Just to shake things up a bit. If nothing else it would break the monotony.

I looked around there were three or four girls heavily made up, wearing what can only be described as a metallic looking bronze bikini. I was still groggy from the electric shock. Another girl was unconscious and had her head resting on me. I propped her up.

"OMG" I began, "I've been locked in a Comecon convention for Princess Leia look-a-likes."

"It's the traditional outfit of concubines," said one of the girls.

"You can talk," said a rather well built muscular boy. He was also wearing the same kind of slave girl outfit but larger. As I looked around and began to focus I could see there were three or four boys also wearing the Princess Leia slave costumes, but looking a lot less comfortable than the girls. We all looked as comfortable as a vegan at a stakehouse.

"The wifi here is terrible," said a brunette with her hair tied up. She was staring at her cupped hands and moving her thumbs around a lot. I wondered, did she know she had dropped her phone yet ?

"What's up with her?" I said to one of the girls opposit.

"That's just Bex," said another of the girls."Mobile phones are banned."

"I text when I get stressed okay? Frowny face," said Bex not looking up and moving her thumbs around. When she spoke she spaced her words out like she was typing them. 

One of the other girls look towards me

"No phones or wifi here. It's a concubine thing." She said.

"Girl with pink hair has just woken up," Bex said as she air-typed into her palms. "I wonder if she realises what's going to happen next? This is the first 24 hours without my phone, EVER. Who says I can't live without it? I'm fine. I really am. I'm fine.  Smily face. Hashtag no phone, no problem. Really."

She paused for a moment and frowned staring into her hands. "I can't say that it's too long." She paused pressing her thumb into the palm of her hand going 'click' while she did it.

"Pink wakes. Does she realise what is next? First 24 hours without my phone. Hashtag no phone no problem?" Then she speeded up as she spoke. " 102 characters yes! Send."

She made a washing noise with her mouth.

"Like," I said mischievously.

Without looking up from the palm of Bex's hands, her face lit up.

"Hey, I got a like for that one," said Bex not looking up, "I'm going to friend her. @friend pinky."

"@friend Bex," I said.

I looked around. Everyone else looked too nervous or embarrassed to talk even the boys. Bex was still staring at her hands and ignoring what was going on around her.

"Cool," Bex said in delight.

A tall sexily dressed woman came to the cell. She sauntered like a python on patrol or the pregnant patter of a panther. No, honestly you took one look at her walk and you would say 'I didn't think people could talk alliteratively before but seeing her definitly makes me think of that.' it was that distinctive. She had a narrow face which carried a nose which looked to travel efficiently at supersonic speeds or possibly used to break large blocks of ice in an emergency. Her eyes were narrow slits the more the better for judging you. 

"You," she said pointing a riding crop at me "stop talking and get dressed. The rest of you look wanton and available."

"You," she said to Bex, "stop looking at your hands. It's not sexy."

At this, she poked her riding crop through the bars and gave Bex an electric shock.

"You've could have voided my warranty bich.." said Bex as she fell forwards eyes closing.

No one was moving so I got up and caught her. I fell as I discovered that my ankle was tied by a chain to the underside of the benches we all sat on.

"How dare you do that to the poor girl she's clearly freaked out by all this," I said looking at who I could only think of as Marissa.

"You don't talk to me like that," said Marissa. She turned around.

"Give me that," she said taking a machine gun from one of the robots.

"I'll teach you to talk back to your betters." She said She then began filling my body full of bullets. Blood splattered the slave girls and boys around me. I was on the floor the lifeblood quickly draining out of me. The periphery of my vision gave way and I was looking down a quickly closing tunnel of light.

To understand what happened to me next  you're going to have to go back in time learn a bit more about me when I was younger. 

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