Chapter 8/Domination & cheesecake

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A/N Sorry such a cute chapter couldn't wait until Thursday for this one. Image Vee.

Soon I did the usual death gauntlet run of the Monday morning English class first lesson.

"Good morning. That's a nice dress.." said Victoria smiling, her blonde curls bouncing every time she moved her head.

I walked by.

"for a slut," Victoria said under her breath. Her two snobby cheerleader friends Jane Mansfield and Mary Sue C. Actacter sniggered.

"I would love to insult you but I can't outdo what nature has done already". I said.

I sat down. Victoria Clink, the Draco Malfoy of Emmergrass High, had hit again. Our feud was legendary, fortunately, we only shared English and Sports together. In sports, cheerleader Victoria would make sure no one picked me for their team. Odd numbers meant that I would end up on the bench for most of the lesson reading a book. It was hard to believe but we had publicly despised each other from kinder garden.

Victoria looked back "The other day, I had the shock of my life when I saw something with an image of your face on it, but then I flushed and it went away and it was fine.".

"Says the girl who looks like her neck thew up after eating too many hot dogs," I said smiling.

Miss Glass came in to start the English class. Miss glass was young, to make her self look old she had so much fake tan she looked half way between an orange and a bottle of tango.

"Game set and match," I said as we both shut up.

"Class. There will be no mention of Spaceships, Aliens or oversized soccer balls in the sky. This is an English literature class and there will be no mention of Science Fiction here. Last week we concluded H.G. Wells War of the Worlds and moved on to our new focus. " Miss Glass said strictly. "I hope you have all done your reading of Pride and Prejudice. ... Victoria - Emma what does she want?"

"The usual. Global domination and to bring everyone down to her own rancid level," Victoria said to more sniggers "Oh you mean Emma in the book." That lead to a number of outright laughs.

Miss Glass used her glare ray on Victoria's preppy minions.

"She wants love, romance and adventure. Possibly cheesecake." Victoria said confidently.

Everyone sat silent.

"Cheese Cake..." Miss Glass said slowly looking down. "Does anyone agree with this?"

I growled and with my regret level on high, I held my hand up. Miss Glass nodded.

"As much as it pains me to say this, I think she's right," I said to general horror and surprise in the class.

Everyone seemed to make the same noise as Whiley Coottee when he realises he's been tricked and is tied to an anvil several thousand feet above the ground.

"Love, romance, adventure, and cheesecake." Miss Glass itemised. Rumour had it she got her delivery lessons from repeatedly watching Snape from Harry Potter.

"Love yes. Certainly, it is a romantic comedy. As for adventure and you know I'm not happy agreeing with a certain girl from the second row but surely she's looking for the adventure of a relationship. Emma I mean, not a certain cheerleader who will remain nameless. She rejects one man. A thing unheard of in those days. She goes walking every day where brigands can appear at any moment. The hem of her skirt is dirty. Surely this shows an adventurous spirit." I continued. I pulled my glasses off to clean them while I talked. It was a habit I had.

Miss Glass stood sternly.

"And Cheesecake?" She said.

"Sure. Isn't it obvious? I mean if Victoria got the Cheesecake references then I'm sure most people in the class did."

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