Chapter 65/The lost tombs of the moon

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The Empress was big. From the outside, the whole thing looked as big as an outsized supertanker with a pituitary gland problem. Inside the ship was comfortable but not as huge as you would think. It was clear that the crew could be no more than 12. I guess that was as many as Sabrina thought she could get trustworthy followers. Each crew member got their own luxury staterooms. There was a circular jogging track painted with trees to make it feel a bit more like a forest. They even had a couple of prison cells that were used for storage. The weirdest feature was that the dining area was modeled on a Starbucks. The whole ship had the usual Lycan Meccano/erector set feel to it. It was like you were living in some kind of weird battle laboratory. You kept expecting to see a Pandora emerge at some point, but she never did only smaller dumber robots. There were so many of them, it felt like the land of the Roombas.

The place felt weirdly empty, particularly the Starbucks. I eventually gravitated there as it seemed to have a decent view of what was going on outside.

I had previously visited Sabrina's quarters which really unnerved me, it's pink and black interior was full of kinky stuff. The bed was designed for at least four and the red silk sheets and thick oak bedposts were in strong contrast to the torcher chamber of the rest of the room. Being in it made you long for the wholesomeness of a friendly bordello. By contrast, Starbucks was more relaxing, if a little ghostly.

Looking out of the window it was clear that the moon was quickly approaching. Then a meer four hours left we reached the moon. Soon it filled up the entire portal. I went up to it and marveled at the vast grey sea beneath me. It was covered in an uncountable number of craters. Each of the craters had smaller grey craters inside them. A lost and barren grey sea. 

"We are coming up on the hot zone now." Victoria said over the speaker system "Emma I need you one deck."

As we slowed down the ship returned to its zero-gravity form. I flew into the flight deck like a salmon moving fluidly between rocks in the river. Victoria was looking at a screen as I came in. She seemed to be communicating with somebody on screen. I looked over to Bex who looked back the ease on her face reassured me that Victoria wasn't selling as out to anybody again.

"Here she comes," said Victoria "like I said."

Victoria looked at me and then pulled me closer to the screen. On it was the familiar look of Pandora but this one was dressed in a strange red outfit I had never seen before. Her face look blanker than normal which is saying something. Normally Pandora looked as blank as a virgin's contact book.

"Yes, she is." Victoria said as I approached "there you go. I was just telling the flight control, your majesty, you were here and wanted into go into a restricted orbit."

I tried to get into Sabrina's character and go along with his sudden bit of improvisation.

"That's right", I began to the controller "What are you complaining about? Do you want me to come over and reprogram you with a blunt ax?"

The Pandora who was acting as the controller looked out at me.

 "I'm sorry your highness " she began "we just need confirmation that this was an instruction from you. You are cleared to orbit."

"Thank you." Victoria said leaning back to her controls. "bye. See you soon. Love you." she said pressing the off button. 

She began to play with some controls which let her edit the big screen. The screen showed the picture outside. It began by showing an amazing view of the moon. Victoria used her controls to zoom in to a large blank area. Then I noticed the grey ground was smooth, they had removed all the craters leaving a large flat area.

"That's the Sea of Serenity, that flat area is about the size of New York state. And this..." Victoria said scrolling along the surface "this is the top of the temple."

There rising out of the flat grey landscape was a huge white pyramid with three sides. Around the base of the pyramid, large numbers of complex patterns were etched into the landscape like a Zen garden. The back of the pyramid was completely black and cast a huge shadow behind the pyramid.

"The top is about a kilometer out the plain but base goes much lower below the ground," Victoria said.

I looked and apart from the patterns drawn in the sand of the moon they didn't look to be anything disturbing this massive mausoleum.

"So where is the entrance?" I asked.

"it's about 300 feet under the ground here," Victoria said moving over to the screen. She pointed to an open space before the pyramid.

I knew the answer but said it anyway "it would take months to dig that far even if we had the equipment. Let's go."

To this Victoria just smiled "but we do have the right equipment." she patted the ship's controls.

She went up to the controls on the captain's seat and began entering in targeting information. When she was finished she got out of my captain's chair. And pointed at the fire button that appeared on the arm.

"It won't work for me. Would you press go?" She said pointing out the arm.

I decided to humor her and press the button.

When I did the lights changed to a cold blue. "plasma cannon will be fired in 14 seconds please retreat to a safe area and strap in" A computer's voice came on over speakers.

My face formed confused huh look. Everybody else in the control deck rushed over to their seats and strap themselves in. I decided to do the same and then listened to the countdown reaching one. Suddenly the entire ship lurched backward.

The screen just turned to white and then a moment later returned back to its original picture. Now all you could see was a massive mushroom cloud growing out from the point before the pyramid.

"that's what you can do with the biggest plasma cannon in the solar system," Victoria said proudly.

I looked at the screen. "OMG we have just 'death-star'-ed of the moon," I said.

"Oh yes," said Bex pleased, "and not a tie fighter in the site. That makes you Governor Tarkin but I want my mushroom hat."

Victoria shrugged "it's not like there are any people there."

"No population," I said, "but perhaps many bothans."

Victoria looked at Bex and screwed up  her cute nose, "is there an Apple Translate mode for her?" 

Victoria played with the controls to look through the dust and showed a large V cut into the moon at the base of the pyramid. Near the bottom was a huge whole. Dust moved in slow motion either side. Then deep at the bottom of the gouge, we had made I could see the top of a concrete looking tomb. At the top of the dome, six leaves all folded over each other.  

I struggled for scale then realised the space we had cut was about the same size as the Hoover Dam. 

"OK" Victoria began "we take a small shuttle down. The other's stay here. Grab the treasure We will be back faster than you can say Knickerbockerglory."

I looked at her "then you remove this ninja killing spree from my brain right." 

"Sure." Victoria said while she set the orbit on the navigation station. 

I must say I was curious. I needed Victoria to remove this killing curse from my head so I guess I had to go along.

"OK then ready of not let's go." 

So It was I found my self settling into the small utility shuttle with Victoria and getting into a spacesuit. Well, I say spacesuit. It was a kind of lycan backpack with a large collar with the ability to morph into a spacesuit. Same thing. 

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