Chapter 16/The war of the wordles

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Emma's POV

The Town Hall.

Two weeks later.

The first anyone knew of the alien invasion was when they received a text letting them know it had happened.


Perhaps you're sitting there thinking, 'well it was very considerate of them to let people know. It could have been worse. There is nothing more awful than going round for weeks not knowing your country has fallen to invaders and no one mentioned it to you. Then you're like oh we surrender to invaders and I only find out about it now? You feel like a real fool. ' Which is right, but I not sure how you know that.

I'm sure you have figured out that what I said as a little far from the truth. We have not in fact been invaded by aliens. I mean aliens invading after all this gift-giving and knocking on doors to say hi and stuff sounds, you know, a little out of character. No, We had been invaded by another part of the Earth aka Chad. Technically it made it an internal conflict as one-sided as a war against Chad was. I'm calling it as an alien invasion as the Alien's where behind it. And Partly because after the invasion the Lycans stepped into to 'restore order and help ensure the safety to the desolate populations involved' ( it Chad and the US).

Look it would make more sense if you experienced it from my point of view.

It was a couple of weeks after I had met Pandora. I still hadn't spoken to Victoria yet which was good, given I wasn't sure what I would say anyway. I was sitting next to Mom in the town meeting. I was in a pool of neighbours. By neighbour,s I mean people who vaguely nodded at each other uncomfortably while walking the dog. I was there with my older sister Kelly who basically was well on her way to her life long ambition as a sea slug. Mr Jones sat next to Mom. Miss Vimp my favourite oddly named librarian sat to my left. Dad sat behind Miss Vimp which was clearly closer than the restraining order said he could. Behind him was Mr Plank. In our house, Dad would mention Mr Plank's large bald head and say was 'well at least he's constant' then laugh at his own joke and walk away. Which was fine except he tried saying in the bath once. 

The text arrived in the middle of a town meeting. Everyone was there. Mom was even sitting in the same room as dad and without a lawyer present. That was a victory. I noticed Victoria was near the edge with her mother. Victoria was chatting to her school friends in Welsh. Welsh had become the official language of youth. All adults and me were freaked out by the ability to learn something, perfectly and instantly. We had all watched enough episodes of Blackmirror to know no good can come of a wonder technology with no apparent downsides. Penicillin, Insulin, antibiotics, immunisation and anaesthetics, these were just disasters which hadn't reveal themselves yet. I mean eventually, something bad was bound to happen. If Blackmirror told us anything it was something would happen which would make dieing in childbirth look like the smarter option.

The stupid youth ( aka youfff with at three fs). had embraced the new black cap technology like a hot new emoticon. I think they had settled on Welsh as it was impossible for a non Celtic speaker to understand anything of what was being said. A huge number of Earth's youth spoke Welsh to each other. The speaking Welsh craze swept the planet faster than a box load of fidget spinners. At first dropping, a few words of Welsh into the conversation seemed cool, but also meant you wouldn't get served alcohol in a bar. Also if you wanted to make sure some man didn't proposition you, a few lines of Welsh poetry would tell him you were under the age of consent. This got so bad that the lack of Welsh witticisms in managed to kill the netflix reboot of  a late 1990's TV show Buffy the vampire slayer. It was  the tale of a high school cheer leader who also killed vampires - but everyone felt the lack of welsh words in the teen language seemed 'unnatural and unrealistic'. The revival crashed harder than FireFly into a big spike, times change.

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