Chapter 9/Frienamies

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A/N Ok hopefully you coped OK  with the flashback but this is a flashback within a flashback. 

Emma's POV

"I tell you, we will never be defeated. We will never be bowed. We will never kneel to these invaders. Because we are Americans. I say get off your knees and live! They can take our lives. But never our freedom." I said.

There was a sudden clapping behind me. I jumped in shock and turned round to see Victoria there. She was holding a brown teddy bear in her left hand.

We were both five at the time, and this was when we first met. Victoria was framed in the doorway leading to my bedroom in the roof of my parents house.

"Hi," said Victoria holding out a hand. "I'm Victoria autocorrect calls me Vee, Nice speech. Does it work on anyone or just dolls and soft toys?"

I turned my back to my audience. They were all very appreciative. Well, as as enthusiastic as soft toys can be. Mr Tumnus my cabbage patch doll was very keen. Robert the stuffed frog Dad had bought me from Costco, was still applauding.

"Yes. They love it. Can you hear them applauding?" I said as the young Victoria began looking around my bedroom, she studied everything like a scientist.

Victoria looked back from examining my curtains. "No."

"So where you from?" I said I was guessing Mom had someone new over. Mom had just got a job as a teacher in a new school with my dad. People came to visit all the time.

"I can't tell you. But I will draw your attention to the packing crates being brought in next door." Victoria said.

I walked up to my window and looked down to see a removal van moving new boxes into the empty house next door.

"Fantastic you're moving in next door!" I said smiling. This neighbourhood needed some action and having someone my own age seemed ideal.

Victoria turned around and smiled. "I can neither confirm nor deny that. Nice to meet you. I hope we get to be good friends."

I noticed her blonde bouncy curls kind of reminding me of springs or courgetti and I had an idea.

"We could be the Rachel and Kirsty of our neighbourhood. All we need are some fairies in trouble and we can be in business." I said - guess what I was reading at the time.

Victoria nodded and pursed her thin lips in concentration "Yeah but given the current levels of availability the best I could go for is Victoria the Tapir fairy or Victoria the digital electronics fairy."

I thought for a second I think I instantly liked her humour "What about Victoria the hip replacement fairy ?"

"Taken," Victoria said not missing a beat "it's Cara the hip replacement fairy."

"Hang on" I bounced up "Isn't there Cara the Coding Fairy?"

Victoria nodded "and Cara the Camp Fairy. Some girls get all the luck. Lucky itch."

From her voice, Victoria didn't seem to be from around my area. At first, I thought this was something people from out of state did and said. It did seem very sophisticated. OK, I was five at the time.

"Hey, we could even walk to school together," I said thinking out loud the possibilities.

"That would be fantastic," said Victoria looking as excited as I was. Then her face turned slightly sour. "except technically, I'm not allowed to know you."

"You're not?" my younger self said.

"My parents love to pre-vet all my school friends. You didn't make the cut. I hope you don't mind." Victoria said still smiling. She tilted her head slightly and she looked at me. "Your file said you were three-foot 8 inches. Actually, you're slightly under that."

The Alpha's concubine (Girl x Werewolf)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz