Chapter 62/Coffee in high orbit

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I  was getting used to zero gravity. It was like being a fish or a kind of space mermaid. You moved fluidly using your arms more than you feet. I drifted around and couldn't resist doing a flip to show off. Except it's no showing off when everyone can do it. 

Soon Victoria left the galley and came back into the flight deck carrying some concertinas of drinks. She passed them out. Queenie came back from diving into one of the tiny cabins. She had reverted back into human form and then spent 20 minutes getting herself tidied up. Her long hair was tied up in a neat beehive looking like some kind of Airline hostess from the 60s.

I took the drink from Victoria. The food printer had managed to produce something that actually vaguely tasted like coffee.

Queenie sucked on her bulb. "is this herbal?" she asked.

Victoria nodded. Looking out on the Earth below you can begin to see the Sahara desert moving beneath us. It was so close she felt that if you could reach out you might be able to touch it. 

"You didn't say where you wanted to go," I said to Victoria.

"The moon obviously," Victoria said.

I groaned.

I could feel Becks and Queenie look at me.

"She wants to do a heist in the middle of a war." I told them. You could hear the eyes rolling.

In a small number of times we were moving so fast we are already over Egypt.  The flat color of the sand and then the bold greens of the Nile Delta. It was like flying over living art. This really pulled at me I so wanted to go home. The view  was all quite mesmerising and I was desperate to keep my attention on what we had to do.

As we all arranged our selves around the holographic map.

"In the middle of a war is the best time to do a heist, the police are busy looking at something else mostly staying alive," Victoria said confidently.

I looked at Victoria.

"There is no way I'm doing a heist, war zone, or no war zone, let's just go home," I said taking another sip. The coffee was both stimulating and soothing. Victoria had printed it out quite strongly with a huge amount of flavor. It smelt like Sunday morning back home with my parents.  

We chatted for a few minutes wondering where the Alpha's fleet had got to. Victoria said possibly Mars or maybe Venus. As far as we could tell the small ship had a tiny Lycan fusion drive and enough fuel to get us practically anywhere in the solar system. We could go anywhere in the solar system. Is this what it's like to feel like Elon Musk? Worse case it also had a hibernation freezer. We could sleep our way somewhere even if it was years away. With the drive we could be at the moon in a couple of hours. 

"So how about a quick trip to the Moon a tiny heist and then we're all rich and then we can go off to look for the Alpha?" Victoria said.

Queenie didn't look happy "When the Alpha told me to protect Emma here. I took him seriously. We do that kind of thing. I'm not abandoning my brother yet. Plus it's sacrilege to stand on the moon mother her self. "

She seemed very earnest the kind of earnest you don't want to cross quickly.

"Victoria Do we have to go to the moon first?" I asked trying to rationalize with her,  "Can't you do this by your self afterward? Anyway, don't you need a massive ship to get past the defenses?"

"No, I need a massive ship and people's help," Victoria said. "That was my mistake last time. Go on give being super-wealthy a chance."

"There is no way I'm doing that," I told her.

Victoria pulled a face that echoed every regret which is ever been reflected upon.

"I know, I'm sorry, it's why I put a sleep agent into your drinks." Victoria said quickly "you'll be ridged in a few minutes and helpless for a few hours."

"Furrrrrkkkk you," I said blurring my voice out.

I tried to form a fist and realized I couldn't close my hands at all. Everyone let out a moan but you could see them fighting to make what little movements they could. Victoria sailed past me and I could do little to stop her using a cable tie to keep my hands behind my back.

Victoria entered an address on the screen. The screen came one. I had enough energy to look at it. It was Sabrina. She was on the bridge of some battleship.

"Human scum is that you?" Sabrina said.

Victoria carried on talking and handcuffing the others.

"That's right. You have my money ready?" She asked.

"You lousy cheat." I managed to get out while Victoria pushed me out. "How did I ever buy you as a Friend."

"What am I buying?" Sabrina said.

"Well, this one should look familiar," Victoria said grabbing me and pulling me over. It was kind of irritating you didn't need to be a massive strong guy to pull people around in no gravity. "He's imprinted on her and the only way to un-imprint him is with her and a rusty knife."

"I swear If I get out of this I'm hunting your down." I managed to get out to Victoria.

Victoria pushed me away and I drifted off while I tried to struggle. It was about as useful as giving Sphinx cat a brush for Christmas.

"And she," Victoria said pushing Queenie in the view of the camera "is useful for leverage."

"Well..." Sabrina said impressed but caught herself self "So why didn't you just hand them over on the station.? Why the big flashy escape. You damaged the Gort. "

Victoria flew to the screen. "I like the whole ship vibe you have the background. Is that real or just for show? Why break out you ask? Because If I had walked into one of your traps on station you would be holding a gun on me too. This way I get money and an opportunity to escape."

"What do you want?" Sabrina said rolling her eye. 

"Ten million. A pardon and a fighter to escape in." Victoria said.

Sabrian screwed her face. Did I really look like that when I did it? Perhaps it was the makeup"Ten million? Sounds good." 

"Ten million each," Victoria said.

Sabrina paused "Ten million for both, remember you failed to kill the Alpha."

Victoria looked over "yeah because you came in and kill everyone. I can't see why you couldn't wait another 14 days."

"I got bored," Sabrina said, "plus I don't trust you."

These were two very good reasons. 

I looked over to Victoria "I'llllll killlllllll youoooooo fuurrr dis." I managed to get out.

"Look I can get a least a ten million for both of them from the Alpha." Victoria said to Sabrina. "I'm giving you a discount to show I'm not on his side. " She moved closer to me and I tried to bite her but missed.

Sabrina leaned over "You promised me you would bring them to me. You promised me as the Ak-a-Loon. Master of poisons."

Victoria held out a hand and pointed. "and I have brought them to you. Now we are negotiating over price. You fired at my ship."

"You destroyed the battlecruiser." Sabrina said. 

"What can I say I had three x's in a row." Victoria snaped back.

Sabrina rolled her eyes like he was now just tired of negotiating. Okay, you have it you can have the 10 million, starfighter everything just hand them over. " she said rolling her eyes.

Victoria smiled fine just give me a minute to get stuff sorted out and you can send the fighter over to me. "oh and no bombs in the money this time. That's just crass." 


A/N - Victoria Victoria why did Emma every trust Victoria?  So quite a high stakes chapter ( well the escape ) how did that go down with you? Will Emma ever get back to the Alpha? How will Emma get out of this one?

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