Chapter 60/Back to the palace

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We crept through towards the palace forest slowly, carefully, and with a great deal of care, like a bank teller with a disgruntled customer holding a chainsaw. This might have been my trip to the carnivorous forest but I kept thinking the trees were moving.

Even from the edge of the forest, we could hear the sound of drones patrolling through the skies. We stopped and peeked through the undergrowth at the palace. From the outside, the palace looked massive like my memory of it had shrunk in too hot a wash. Looking up at the tiny windows which didn't even begin until the third story. The palace was as forbidding as a maiden aunt's disapproving stare and twice as condescending.

The building itself seems to have suffered some damage. There were blast marks on one of the wings, the windows on one of the domes had been shattered. The lights on many floors and wings were now dark. Around the thick base of the palace a number of robotic dogs slowly but sinisterly patrolled.

"Somehow I get the feeling we are not going to get an open arms welcome," I whispered. My hopes were being crushed faster than a lost toddler on Black Friday.

"These don't smell like the Alpha's troops," Queenie asked.

Victoria "One question. Does the Alpha's secret passage network contain any drinks?" She asked.

I shrugged "I don't think so."

"Well, that starts the evening off on a downer. Okay, what we will do is walk as far around as we can in the forest unnoticed. Then there is a hidden entrance to the Northside. I know where it is and some lucky person looks like she we'll be able to open it for us," Victoria says.

I feel slightly pleased, and begin wondering if the Alpha might be hiding out there.

"Well, that sounds a bit easy," I said.

Victoria looking "Well what were you expecting? A series of fights with increasingly dangerous enemies while you stocked up on armor, new abilities and healing potions until you finally had a boss fight with Sabrina? Like the second world war ended after some grunt soldier who had narrowly missed being killed on the D-Day landings, months later ended up in a three hour one on one battle against Adolf Hitler in a massive Mech suit? Do you think Gandi freed India after fighting crossing Europe in wrestling matches ending up with him having one battle against Winston Churchill?. Or perhaps Kuwait  was liberated only after one marine found the three story giant robot Sadam Husain used had a  point of vulnerability? No it's easy or we don't do it."

"Victoria you can be as condescending as a bay area health food nutritionist," I said then  looked over "When did 'it's easy or we don't do it' become the motto of the US Military?"

Bex looked up "Well we did just nearly die after sliding down a one-mile zip wire."

Bob looked over "and you were washed down a river to certain death at a waterfall."

Victoria looked at Bex "OK well if you see any signs marked 'Skip to cut scene you have my permission to press it.'"

"I can't see any other guards up ahead, all we do have to creep stealth wise not being seen by the drones," Queenie said.

"Technically She doesn't." Bex said pointing at me "The drones will be programmed not to kill Sabrina on sight."

I looked at Bex, "so I could just walk over there. No creeping around." I said.

"Technically yes," Bex said.

"Fine," I said, "I'll do that."

Victoria "So You will. Just leave us to creep around through the forest."

The Alpha's concubine (Girl x Werewolf)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora