Chapter 13/The harnesses gave the school a weird BSDM look

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Emma's POV


In school people were hanging out before lessons. There was an odd noise of excitement in the halls and corridors. The alien's had kept dropping off things like so much junk floating free of the space ship. Dropbox was the new term for the capsules like the one Victoria and I had found last week. More things kept being dropped down on the world like consumerist confetti.

One was a huge black foot print about the size of a bus and the hight of a house. One had been found outside Donald Trump's house and another was on the news next to Chevron's CEO's personal jet. Dad said were made by a small black machine, which dad said was sucking carbon dioxide out of the air and turning it into carbon blocks releasing oxygen in the process.

Other strange alien devices including speech bubbles which followed grazing animals around bobbing in the air like balloons. New Bridges had started growing like trees many reaching out to sea for no reason. One day I had found a machine in the shape of a duck which generated infinite amounts of bubble wrap. If you popped it then a few minutes later it had healed it self. Some of the alien tech made sense. The flying harnesses were popular. At school, the boys liked to keep their flying harnesses on but it gave the school a weird BSDM look. 

"What's happening?" I said to Samatha - a large Latino girl and my fourth best friend.

"Some kids found a dropbox with these hats." Samatha said waving a black cap. It looked like a Micky Mouse Club had without the ears. Dropbox was the new term for the capsules like the one Victoria and I had found last week. More things kept being dropped from around the world.

"You just put a subject disc in here, put it on and wamb bamb you know a subject. I just did a mock SATs test on line five minutes ago and got 100% correct. Looks like I'm going to Yale on a scholarship the website said so." Samatha said smiling.

While Samatha was now educated to get into Yale on a scholarship, she didn't guess that everyone else would be able to get into Yale on a scholarship as well.

Samantha held a disc out. "Look Emma, I'm going to learn Swahili." She put the disc into the black cap put it on her head and pressed a button for a few seconds. Her eyes jurked around like a maniac. They stopped and she opened her eyes

"මේ ගැන ඔබ සිතන්නේ කුමක් ද? මම ඉතා දක්ෂයි, හරිද?" She said. "Hang on. That's not swahili is it? අපොයි. මට ස්වහීලී භාෂාව ඉගෙන ගැනීමට අවශ්ය විය. කුමන භාෂාවක්ද??"

She looked at the disk SINHALA it said "I thought this was Swahili. Who wants to learn SINHALA? Hay who's got the Swahili disk? It's not fun knowing a language no one else speaks."

Like the language of justice I thought.

Samantha drifted off swearing in Sinhala. I noticed the other kids were all walking around speaking in different languages. Looking around Victoria had disappeared, but that was her thing. She so owned not existing when you needed her to.


I walked into the first lesson English all the kids kept speaking in weird languages to each other.

"Rwyf am eich taro yn eich wyneb ond byddai'n gwella eich edrych yn unig." Said Victoria's rich friend Jane in a soft high pitch.

"Le regard sur son visage quand elle ne savait pas ce que vous dites." Mary said back and they started laughing at me. I thought that maybe Victoria was right about framing them.

Just then Miss Glass walked in. She was her usual orange fake tan self, somewhere between a tangerine and a day old bottle of open Tango. 

"Good morning class" she began "I've heard all sorts of ugly rumours so let's start with a spelling test shall we?"

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