Chapter 47/ The royal hunt

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An hour later I was all sleazed up and looking like Sabrina. The cranes which would take the Alpha and I, off to the Zill hunt would be here soon but I really wasn't in the mood for being Sabina.

Queenie looked at me while Victoria looked at the news on the wall. When Victoria said 'look for Sabrina' she actually meant surf the internet. I think she was getting Pandora to do most of the work.

"How do I look?" I asked nervously I tried to talk like Sabrina but it came out practically Scottish for some reason.

"Biker chic tries to bluster her way through pregnancy while still pretending she can be cool, hip and wear too much mascara while changing badly soiled diapers," Queenie said.

Bex looked at me.

"What's wrong?" She said.

I walked around in ankle-length boots, another leather jacket and a skirt so short that I was advised against bending over or taking too deep a breath.

"I can't, you know, be Sabrina. I've lost my Sabrina Mojo." I confessed. I could hardly do the accent.

"Look" Bex began "You just need to think like Sabrina. You know like a vampire but without the charm or moral limits."

"Yeah you're right," I said doing the English Sabrina voice, "I just have to be bitchy."

"You are bitchy," Bex said trying to encourage me.

I stood up. "Yeah, I am bitchy I'm like bitchy personified."

"You are," Victoria said, "but don't use long words like personified."

I tried to get with the program. " Yeah I am bitchy .... If bitchy was a person. I am that person but in a metaphorical way."

"Yeah," Bex said "you own that girl. Remember you don't care. You're like free. You're radical. You do what you want when you want, how you want to who you want. You just don't care. You're dangerous to know. You're a rebel. You're wild. You're a werewolf princess who can do anything she wants. "

"That's right." I announced, "I'm like so wild and reckless sometimes I pull a USB stick out without dismounting it first."

Bex's eyes looked horrified for a second "aha!!!" Then quickly got with the program. "Burn that edge. You go girl."

"Or mix Pink with green," Queenie said. Victoria looked at her. "What?" Queenie asked, "I'm trying to help."

"Yeh" Bex continued "There is nothing you can't do. You wipe out entire clans for fun. You set attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. You even wear white after Labour day. You're like a living she-devil."

Victoria moved over.

"OK Walk like you have a sense of entitlement a mile long." Victoria said the Looked up at Queenie "no offence."

"None taken dear," Queenie said holding on to the ear of dear.

I tried to do the Sabrina walk.

"Chin up. Now a splash of arrogance" Queenie said. I tried my best to walk slightly more upright.

"No, I said arrogance that's a head cold." Queenie added "that's better. Now a whiff of disdain that's right. If you don't know what to do, act like you can smell a rotten fish in someone's pants. The trick to being Sabrina is you don't believe in anything you can't break, on purpose."

"That's it," Victoria said, "Now get out there and show them what you're made of."

"OK lets' do this," I said. "Bex you go with the other handmaidens and make sure you don't get shot. I'll see you all later. Bye. Love you all. No, I don't I'm Sabrina."


Victoria walked with me to the elevator. Well, I walked she kind of staggered. She pressed the call button and on the third attempt hit it. For some reason, the elevator was stuck on the 10,2093-floor section b area 11 and we had to wait.

"What would you say" Victoria began quietly "If I said I could give you a 50% share in a thirty billion dollar .... Shall we say operation."

I paused for a second.

"Thirty Billion dollars?" I said.

"If you want me to convert that into Amazon vouchers I can do that too," Victoria said. "Think about what you do with thirty Billion dollars. Buy your way out of here for a start. You could probably buy your way back in legitimately into this place. They have humans here, I saw Jeff Bezos just yesterday. He wasn't cleaning. "

I looked at her "Why didn't you get him to help you?"

"You have some of the skills I need, the nice man doesn't." Victoria said as the light showed the elevator was moving "plus you know, it would be us together just like the old days right?. "

I suddenly tweaked what was happening.

"And would this Thirty Billion dollar be right next to the man in the moon?" I asked.

Victoria's eyes opened "He does exist. All the ancient legends were right. There was a reason they faked the moon landings."

"This is the same moon the Lycan's treat as sacred territory. The sort they kill people who trespass."

Victoria swung her eyes like she was bored with the conversation before it even got started.

"I could make you rich beyond your wildest dreams and all I get is abuse. Hell I could make you so rich you would be beyond my wildest dreams and I can guarantee you I have very very wild dreams."

Just then the elevator arrived, there was a loud ping and the door opened. Victoria couldn't afford to be seen with Sabrina she had to stay back. I walked in.

"Problem is Vee I trust you as far as Olivia Jade could trust her SAT scores to get her into USC," I said as the doors began to shut.

"Bitch" Victoria said she was clearly upset.

"What?" I added as she disappeared bind the doors "too soon huh?"

"You're giving up Thirty billion" I heard her voice plead behind the metal walls as I felt the hydraulic press of gravity, as the elevator pulled away.


A/N We are going to forgo the whole vote thing and saying a big round of applause to all the key workers out there. Stay Safe. RK&Reb. 

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