Chapter 78/A new arrival

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Sorry for the clickbait line at the end of the last chapter. I just realized that if I don't tell you how awful everything is, you can carry on. They really should have done this with Angela's Ashes. So we are on a sunlight beach under some palm trees, and no one is looking for a bucket just in case OK. So it's OK to look. FYI, if you are wondering, the advert you have to scroll through to get to this chapter is totally wrong.

"but there is no sunlight down their" Peter pointed out."How do the plants grow in an eternal night? What do people eat?" 

Hargreaves nodded "yeah, intensive radiation from Jupiter, plus tidal heating and radioactive decay. The surface radiation creates this flow of energy as microplankton falling from the sky. We call it manna."

Victoria leaned over, "look, why just put all that in a hat, will you?" She said, referring to a favorite form of education. "What are you lot doing here?"

Mr Hargreaves shrugged. "Well, we were all out of work, and no one knew what they could possibly retrain to do. After all, the aliens had the tech to do everything. So when these adverts started appearing for people to help educate kids in a summer camp, we got sucked into it. Your mum and dad included." He added, looking at me. "Actually, it was your dad's idea to apply."

Victoria looked over "Oddly this would only make it  my second weirdest summer camp ever.."

Peter looked over to her, "actually, that wasn't a weird summer camp. It was actually a combat mission in Afghanistan, and I couldn't find any childcare. I was lying about it being summer camp."

Victoria rolled her eyes "I knew it. I knew it. " she emphasised thumping her lap with her tiny hand.

I looked over to her and smiled, "well, hey plus points for the best bring your daughter to work day."

Peter nodded as he rolled over to look at Victoria, "yeah, your brother figure it out on day one. It was the lack of other kids that really gave it away."

Victoria looked at her dad "I don't have a brother."

"Well, he's been in deep cover as your sister for a few years now," Peter said.

Victoria's only response was "Man."

Meanwhile, as the water surface became choppy as something deep below moved it. I looked at Mr Hargreaves.

"Summer camp?" I said getting back to topic.

"Well, the advert was very ambiguously written. At first, we thought it was a Christian summer camp." Mr. Hargreaves.

"Hey. What do you and my dad know about the bible ?" I asked.

This caused another heave of Mr. Hargreaves's shoulders "hey, I'm a teacher. I know how to teach. I can teach anything. I did geography but  my 1st degree was in philosophy." He said, suddenly exposing his geography lessons for what they were.

So plateau really wasn't a classical Athenian philosopher, I knew it.

Victoria jumped in "So you flew here in all those ships which we noticed standing on  the landing pad."  

"Yeah, the morphogenesis stuff was the hardest. Turns out our DNA, and the Callisto DNA isn't that different. We think that the Earth possibly infected Callisto with bacteria or maybe the other way round we're not sure yet. Anyway, it turns out that Pandora needed us as a bunch of missionaries."

I really had to stop him on this one." why bother? Why not just lots more of her self?" I said I had rolled with my back to the water to get a non-neck straining view of Mr. Hargreaves.

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