Chapter 50 /Dial M for Carnage

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As we returned to the camp at our starting point we got a large fast-moving tidal wave of werewolves running towards us. As soon as they caught sight of the blue blood on my forehead they all seemed to burst into a wave of good cheer. As we moved progressed through the sea of wolves the alpha noticed something.

"Look," he said pointing "that is the circle of the wedding. I think it would be a very fine ending for us to go and look."

"I agreed and we turned our animals towards a gap in the forest. Soon we came upon a large glade in the center of which were a ring of standing stones. In the exact centre of the ring lay a complex crafted sundial. Strictly speaking, it was actually a moon dial but used the Sun to indicate the second hours. Here on the cylinder, it was about as useful as taking a water soaker to a gunfight. However, humanity didn't turn all their clocktower is digital so why should werewolves? Oh that isn't good I'm defending them now. This shouldn't be happening, after all, they are all evil invaders, why should I be standing up for them? Ignore the above rationalization it was a moment of intelligence and empathy which I will try my best not to repeat again.

"The orchid." The Alpha said walking up to the large plant next to the moon dial. The Plant many numbers of elliptical glossy leaves sitting in a well-tended bed. He had a large single bud about the size of an ostrich egg.

"These orchids have marked the point of our marriage in my family for many thousands of years. The moment these buds begin to open then the marriage officially begins. " he said as he began walking closer and standing with his face inches away from the large orchid bud.

I knew as much as I needed to about this orchid. It was incredibly rare. About as rare as looking for a genuine compliment on America's got talent. The orchid was said to have magical healing powers for the highborn alpha. The actual seed had been brought all the way from the homeworld. Whereas the Alpha and all of their art culture and technology have been transmitted electronically across space this was a physical tangible link to their Home.

Okay, technically I knew enough about this orchid to actually do a TEDTalk on it. The talk would be entitled this 'plant is so predictable you can set your watch by it, in fact, many do'. Or the orchid you can set your sundial by'. The specific moment was chosen by the orchid itself and it was where it was, that the astrological interpretation came from. Technically the Alpha and Sabrina and set this seed in the soil together and it was the opening of the leaves which will define the transition from courtship and the growth of love to the flowering of love. It was sweet,  in a kind of sugar syrup sweet way.  

I knew at some point in the near future the real Sabrina would be standing at this dial. When the light from the synthetic sun hit the right point on the dial it the Orchite would open. The pollen would begin to come out and the flow would be there for us to see. This is werewolf terms was the act of union.

At this point, something that bothered me was how Lycans had actually discovered the working of stone. As far as I can tell, in their original nonmorphing form, they only had paws. How do you discover fire and stuff only using the power of grabbing stuff with your mouth? How does a dog rub two sticks together ? OK beyond carefully. 

The Alpha approached the center of the stone circle slowly. He moved to stand before the flower on a bald patch of ground. If I was feeling less cynical I might have even said he walked with a slight sense of reverence. He reached out and took my hand. Although I couldn't really see anybody watching my guess was this would be too romantic for anyone not to spy on. I kept quiet and let the Alpha keep going.

"I look forward to doing this for real," he said quietly eyes, intently on the orchid.

For a second I thought he was talking to the real me. I shook my head, I'm such a dumb ass. No this was for the spies again. Then I thought I saw a movement. For some reason, I was starting to sing 'we all have a chicken-duck-woman waiting for us' in my head. Then for no reason and before I could say "I'm sick of blue milk" I turned around.

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