Chapter 52/The chapter before the Soul Ball

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It was the night of the soul ball and I was petrified. Everyone would be looking at me. If I talked to anyone then this was the time I would most likely be spotted as a fake. We were standing in a weird dressing room designed only for dressing in. I had never been in before. It had no windows (so no spies Vee told me). Just lots of full-length mirrors, ornate decoration, a complex carpet design reaching the edge walls. If anything the carpet was so well fitted it looked to go under them. Weirdest of all it could only be accessed via a staircase. It was like a loft room but the walls were straight and the ceiling is flat. Around me Bex as a handmaiden and Madam Pontefract worked busily on the huge orange dress, I was currently submerged into.

"Why," I asked Madam Pontefract "am I dressed like a massive Halloween decoration?" I said hoping Madam Pontefract didn't go too far into the large dress she might get stuck and not be found for a week.

"Werewolves in their native form can only see shades of blues and yellows. Orange looks like a gold color to them. " Madam Pontefract said adding a new tiny pearl to the edge of the dress.

The dress was spectacular and huge, the werewolves really liked the exoticness of earth ball dresses. If you couldn't pass for an extra on Gone with the Wind they didn't like them.  Like so much Lycan tech the dress could warp between full on 'sorry I've lost my M1 battle tank some where in the dress' and then morph to a much more manageable low cut formal dress.  Sometimes they would morph into a pair of leggings. Then I suddenly got it. When the werewolves morphed from form to form they had like a collar or something in wolf form which also morphed into more full on clothing. That was how Sabrina had managed to emerge fully dressed. Now it made complete sense. 

My arms were exposed and I was showing enough skin to really show the Blood Moon pack tattoos. I looked down, I had lost my feet a few hours ago, and didn't expect to see them until I took the dress off later. The dress shimmered like a mirage in the sea. It caught the light and played with it like a ball of string making a kitten dance. Eventually, the dress got bored of the light and let it go like a butterfly released from your hands on a summer day. Despite the exotic bulk, it was quite light. Like I was wearing solid smoke.  This dress and perfect were so close to each other they shared the same school catchment area. 

"Bex," I told Bex while she tried to organize the dress, "there is something I haven't told you."

"If it's you're very scared and you want to run away hashtag I know."

"Really?" I said, "how do you know ?"

"You've said it to me about twenty times."

"No, what I wanted to say was do you remember Alexa attacking the Alpha? " I whisper out of Madam Pontefract's hearing. "When she died I noticed she had this tattoo on her foot. Like the one we share. I have a feeling we are both assassins sent to kill the Alpha."

Bex looked up "I can see why that might cause a problem. Do you think they cover that in couples counseling? After all hostile intent can never be the basis for a long term relationship, despite what you read in the magazines."

Then Bex thought "I hope your just imagining all this. I mean Guido might not be as appreciative if I kill his boss and best friend and he was powerless to stop it. Bit of a red line in most relationships."

I looked at Bex "Thanks for that supportive bit of chat. I feel so much better for it." I was using Sabrina's voice and wasn't sure if the irony carried well.

"You're welcome hashtag any time," Bex said. Now was she aware of what I said and throwing shade back or just genuinely so happy with her new dumb ass boyfriend she didn't notice? OK saying this aloud did sound dumb I'm guessing she didn't believe me.

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