Chapter 61/Escape!

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A/N We are back! Hang on to your seats for this chapter. 

The Orbital Palace/Mid Palace level/Secret passage system inside the palace.

Emma's POV. 

The secret passages were spread throughout the palace, like chocolate chips inside icecream. It was one of the reasons no one had ever suspected the Alpha's secret hideaway existed.

At first, we crept carefully through but the Alpha wasn't there. I still wasn't too sure how I felt about him. I kept seeing things and thinking I really must show this to the Alpha. I felt a little joy when there was something I could share with him. Then there would be the inevitable internal flood as I remembered he wasn't here and he could even be dead. Tiny little things kept reminding me of him and the joy/pain ride would happen all over again. Then I knew I didn't get this stuff out of my head then we could never be together. That was assuming he wasn't torn apart by Sabrina. At some point, the shooting in the cylinder has stopped so I don't know what was happening out there.

We spent a few hours checking to see if there was anyone else we could rescue. Unfortunately, the Alpha didn't have dungeons at the bottom of his own palace. If anybody had been captured they really weren't here. That was disappointing. I'm sure the White House doesn't have any dungeons in the bottom either. I started to wonder, at some point in history, there must of had the point when they discover that their new government headquarters doesn't come with its own set of dungeons anymore. Were they disappointed? Did they wright letters to their Architect? Lie  'dear architect. Thanks very much for the new palace/castle/seat of government but I noticed there were no dungeon cells. I mean What gives? I mean how can a castle not have a dungeon? Anyway, next time put them back. Yours, the local ruler/king/governor, etc.'

The bottom line was after searching we found not one. Even the concubines had left, smart things.

Victoria, Queenie, and Bob were with me in the elevator carrying equipment. While moving around we managed to pick up some useful stuff. We found some clothes, weapons and things we might find useful in the spaceship.

Eventually, the door pinged and we all began to get out of the elevator at the spaceship pod. From the color of the floor I got the impression we were standing in the base of the palace. I recognized on the super-strong material the colony floor was made out of. It was a dark sandy color, it was so matt you can imagine it sitting there going 'I just told stuff together big time ,I don't do any of this reflection business, go away'.

"Well, it's much bigger than I expected," Victoria said looking at the ship.

And she was largely right. Personally I was expecting something large enough to put R2D2 and C3PO into then press go. This was about the size of a smallish yacht. It was smooth and elliptical.

I had the impression of being like an avocado that had been cut leanth ways in two. I knew the rest of the ship hung beneath the hull of the station level. As soon as we left we would leave a large ship-shaped hole in the hull.

It was fairly obvious what to do. A simple doorway started by inviting someone in. The doorway was both Lycan and human-sized. We walked in to discover a neatly made compact ship. It kind of reminded me of an expensive car full of little gizmos. For example, the seats would morph between Wolf couches and human chairs.

Victoria immediately went up to the front of the ship and began to examine the controls.

"Whatever you do don't pull this lever," she said.

"What leaver?" I asked.

She pointed above her head to the large lever with the label "GO" written in Lycan in large writing.

The Alpha's concubine (Girl x Werewolf)Where stories live. Discover now