Chapter 80/ The great escape

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A/N As you know we have been celebrating 2 million reads on our first book I'm a Cyborg's Pet. To be honest we haven't had this much fun writing till now.   Although Gravity the Virgin and the Bad boy ( check out the new cover what do you think?) was pretty close. So yeah confession time haven't' managed 2 chapters this week.  The next chapter is pretty ace so will release soonish. So grab a glass and come join the party. Thanks for all your votes, reads and love. We hug you all. RK+Reb. 

The undersea missionary city some miles under Callisto's ice. Near the docks. If docks isn't too weird to have underwater. 

Emma's POV

I do you know what damage is done when an irresistible force hits an unstoppable squid/octopus/duodecopus? None whatsoever. It turns out that the average squid can actually take a pretty hard impact. Who knew, right? Well, they did... you see, They live at the bottom of a 100-mile sea, while under less gravity is still quite a lot of water. This means that the organs of a squid person from Callisto can actually take quite a deal of impact. Most Callistrian's could get a second job as a punching bag no problem. Naturally, this meant that the bodies of zealot Pandora could take equal punishment. So while they would be knocked out of our path like pins in a bowling alley, the damage was practically nil. We, on the other hand, were thrown off the back of the giant seabass. Like riders being thrown from the back of a  frisky wild horse in some weird aquatic rodeo.

I lost my grip on the seaweed rope, which we were using to hold on. The giant seabass with Lucy still holding the rains shot off, doing a huge loop the loop. It arced high above us. This left everyone spread out, floating in the water. We were as equally confused as the Pandoras.

"Bob?" I shouted.

Bob swam towards me, as a Callistria swimming was his thing.

"Can you led us back to the ship?" I said. Bob moved off.

He waved, "sure."

While there were many  Pandoras spread out around us, we were quite close to a series of pipes like the one we had emerged from when we arrived.

"Clam Angel, "shouted Chantel coming to me. She grabbed my hand and began pulling me after Bob.

"I get it now," Chantel said as she swam, "Gog and May Gog need to purify the galaxy from the false words of the false prophet Pandoras. This is how the universe can be cut open and become empty and dry if you fail. You need to go back to heaven, or the day of judgment will be upon us."

"Not really," I said.

Victoria and Peter did the same swimming thing, and we all started swimming in pairs towards a large cylindrical outlet in the ceiling. We swam into the tube, and it was dark enough to use the torches on our glamorous mode spacesuits. It was unfamiliar. I realized we must've swum into the wrong pipe. Bob was here leading the way, but the tube itself wasn't the one that had the beggar in it. This one was full of small red tennis balls.

"What are they?" I asked.

"Explosives," Chantel said. "it is rumored, Pandora has them stationed around every city. If the atheist rate climbs, she is said to blow up the city rather then let it fall into the hands of blasphemy and disbelief."

"Harsh" I said. 

Peter picked a few up.

"We are in the wrong tube, but I know the way out," Bob said.

We rushed through the tubes horizontally; it was like swimming through a massive sewage system. There was little but the sound of everyone heavily breathing as they swam. The water around us became dense with grime; the water picked up the edges of beams of light from the torches on our suits.

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