(Season 1) Chapter 1

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Sirens blared as she ran through the ship. "After her. She's getting away!" One of the Galra shouted from behind her. The eleven year old glances behind her, and gasped as one of Galra soldiers shot their laser gun at her.

Ducking her head down the laser went right over her head. Then she slipped into the next hall on her right. Pressing her body to the ship making herself blend into the shadows, she watched as the group ran past her. Sighing she quickly turned and ran down the hall.

"Come on. Come on. Exit, exit—- ahhh!" Digging her heels into the ground as her body jerked to a stop. Footsteps behind her caused her to turn around. She was trapped. Galra blocked her from both sides. "Crap!" She gritted her teeth and made fist with her hands.

'Ten on one." She noted as one fired at her with the laser. Not nothing to think about it though she ran at ones ahead of her. More fired as she managed to knock one down the guns pointed at her. "Surrender."

Her cat-like sea-blue gaze narrowed. "This way!" She watched as a sword hit one of the guards causing them to fall and spark. She looked to see someone, in all black and with a glowing mask on her left.

Scrambling to her feet? She raced away the person following her. More guards ran after them. As they rounded the corner more fired at the duo.

Leaping she kicked knocking the Galra sentrin down. The masked person stared wide-eyed. "This way!" He said standing in the corridor on their left. She quickly followed after him.

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Her blue eyes grew wide. Before the aircraft waited. It looked narrowed like a bird. Good air resistance. She noted. "Get in." The masked person said briskly. Gulping she forced herself to walk up to it.

As he opened the ship "Your not coming?" The masked person clicked a few of the buttons on the dashboard as she sat down. The silver in her eyes glowed as she looked at him. "This will take you to a safe world. Away from Zarkon." He told her as the craft roared to life. He avoided the question.

"Autopilot engage."

"Listen kid, take this." Handing her a dagger and sheath. "If you are ever in danger or in need of help. Show them this. Tell them who you are. " He told her. "Wait. Show it to who." She was confused about what he was talking about.

The hooded figure stepped back. "They might not believe you, but if you prove yourself to the Blades. They will listen to you." Drawing his sword. He turned and ran off as the aircraft lifted up and shot off. Her sea-blue eyes never left the landing ramp.

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"Sir, a ship just took off from the hanger." One of the guards said. "Sir we have an intruder in sector eight." Another said running in.

The Galra turned to face soldiers. "apprehend them."

"Yes, Sir."

"Track that ship down. That brat mustn't escape. Shoot her down if you must." He barked.

"Yes, Sir."

The two left the room. "You won't get far half breed. I'll see to it." His gold eyes narrowed.

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As the ship exited the wormhole that had opened. She stared down at the item in her hands and gripped the item tighter. Then a flash to her left, then right.

Quickly she looked out the window and paled. Two ships from Galra were graining on her. The ship veered off to the side avoiding one last then next.

They weaved each planet. They were gaining on her. Then the ship jolted as one of the lasers hit, she grasped as a red light flashed, blinked and then "autopilot disengaged." The ship began to losing control.

Another blast the ship took a sharp spinning nose dive. She lunged for the controls. Right as she was about to hit the planet. She pulled on the controls. Trying to get it to straighten out. "Come on. Come on. No!, No!, Nooo!...." She saw the ground and pulled with all her might.

The ship crashed. Huge dust cloud engulfed passengers and their aircraft.

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