(Season 1) Chapter 22

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"Quiznack! I can't believe they saw through our disguise." Coran complained sitting in their cell. "Someone's coming."  The two looked to see Shay walking up to them.  "Shay?" she held up something to the scanner.

As the barrier fell Hunk ran to meet her. "Make haste to your pod. The crystal is prepared for departure." she told them. "How did you get the crystal?" Coran asked her.

"I was assigned to take it to the upper levels, but instead I took it down.  Soon they will discover my ruse. Time is start." Shay explained.

"Why are you helping us? You'll get in trouble."

"Because your words touched my heart. I wish for freedom for all Balmera. Perhaps  your Voltron can make it so."

They ran back to their ship. Shay leading the way back through the caverns. As they reach the ship. Galra soldiers and her brother waited for them.

"No. Rax, why?"

"These two only bring trouble to our family. It was the only way to protect you." he told her. Hunk almost actived his bayard but Shay stopped him. "No! The Balmera will save us." she put her hand on the ground glowing she calls for it's help.

"Shay, no."

Then a cry and rocks fall on Galra troops. A few still standing fired back at them as they ran to the ship. Then one of them managed to catch Shay in a rope. Pulling her towards them.


"Go! Make haste!"

"No, let her go!"

"No, Hunk! We have to go!"

As reinforcements came Hunk had to choose. Quickly he got into the pod. "I'll come back for you, Shay! I promise!" he shouted to her. Coran started up the ship and it took off. "If we can't shake these patrols, we might be back here sooner than we want!"

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The mice moved it. They managed to knock the last soldier down before making their way to the particle barrier control panel. Platt pressed its paw to the panels disarming the barrier.

"It worked!"

"They did it!"

Keith and Allura raced into the Castle.

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Kiara shifted her body up right into a crouch so she could watch Sendak. Her muscles tensed. There way no way she could win against him. Kiara knew it, but maybe she could by time for the other to come. Pidge was here and would surely walk in any moment now. Her right hand gripped the dagger.

Then he turned and shot his arm. "Pidge!" Kiara yelled as she managed to get him to leave the room. Standing up. "Kia, are you alright?" Pidge asked running into the room. "Yes, but check on Shiro, before he will comes back." She said glancing at the door shifting the dagger to her left hand and held it close to her side. Her legs were a bit shaky but she managed to stand still her adrenaline racing through her once more.

  Pidge nods then she ran to Shiro. "Shiro, wake up. It's me, Pidge." The something grabbed the Green Paladin.


Kiara screamed as Sendak grabbed her and slammed her to the wall with his cyber arm. "You really thought your little hologram trick would work with me?" Sendak asked the Green Paladin.

   "Let her GO!" Kiara said shifting her stance to face him her eyes narrowed and light blue blazed like flame. "You. How are you still moving?" He asked her. Kiara kept her eyes on him. She moved towards the other two injured Paladins. She didn't know who he might hit next and she wasn't taking any chances. Kiara kept her gaze on him.

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