(Season 1) Chapter 45

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Sound of the ships overhead made them all look to the sky. "Everyone get ready! The time has come." Kylo said as he took charge as soldiers raced at them with guns. Everyone with Kylo ready their weapons. "Let's go!" Kylo orders them. Then he leads the charge with Galra and Sandrains following.

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Lunar opened its mouth as it fired another blast taking out two more ships. As others flies passed them, Lunar snapped her jaws around one of them and tossed it creating more explosions to ring out.

The White Lunar Lion looks down at the fighting below. "Your plan is working my Paladin." Kiara grinned and shot off. "Only because, I'm great at getting into other people's business." She joked then spotted the other ships. "Everyone follows me. Where are they taking down their bass?" Kiara radio to the others. Everyone replied back with..


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Ura grasped the sword as she slashed down another sentrin. A scream made her spin as one of Sandrein staggers back injured. Lunging. With a swift strike she cut the cyborg down. Turning to face the young Sandrein. "Are you ok?" She asked him. "Y-yes. Th-Thank you." He stutters. 'We must fight not of two separate races but as one whole one.' Ura quickly helped him before raced off.

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Kiara pressed the buttons on the flight sticks and thrusting forward she fired at the base. The others flew in firing shorter blast. Loud explosions rang out as the air team took out the tower.

Kiara circle around as Lunar let out a roar then a huge *BANG* rang through the air. "Great work team let's head back." With a kick the shot back to the village. 'Man I wish the others where.' She thought as they closed in on the village.

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Once she landed. Kiara raced from the Lion. Everywhere had Galra sentries scattered about. Still standing where injured Sandreins and Galra a like. "Is it over?" Kiara asked Kylo as she found him.

"They came.. where is their leader?" Nila asked joining them. Something felt uneasy. "Keep your guard up!" The White Paladin barked at them. "He's here." She added.

"Right you are."

They spun to see him walking up. "All I had to do was wait. Wait until my foes weaken before I attack." Kiara tighten her grip on the sword.

She watched as Kalos's gaze travel to.... "Let's see how you far without your chief." Then Kalos charged the elder. "Father!" Kiara shot forward her sword to her side she swung up planting her feet and the two clashed. Inches from Sandrein leader.

Kiara's eyes glowed pale blue as she pushed back. "You.. why do you always interfere?" He asked her then swung his leg out. Kiara gasped and staggered. Kalos lunged at her once more. She blocked the sword. Ura pushed herself to the front. Her eyes wide.

Kiara kept blocking his swings. "Come on.. Strike back." Kalos grunted as he kept trying to land a blow. Gritting her teeth as she pushed back. He was acting recklessly but, yet each blow was strong.

Breaking apart they clashed again. Kalos was looking for his chance to strike her down. He managed to unbalance her once what was her weakness? Kalos let his gaze travel to the others. Then land on the 'yes. That will work.'

Kalos pushed against her silver blade. "You know... while you have been fighting me. My father must have captured Voltron, and it's all thanks to you." He watched her eyes widen anger and fear. "You're lying." She growled at him. "No.." shoving hard he managed to knock the sword from her grasp. Then swift kick sent her rolling.

Kiara coughed and pushed herself up as he walked to her. "I'm not lying. While we played cat and mouse. Zarkon is getting the Lions of Voltron." Kiara felt anger built up. "Now I'll finish you off here and take your Lion as my prize." Kalos raised his blade to strike.

Kiara shut her eyes. But only to open to see Ura standing in front of her. Gold eyes narrowed and cold. Kalos coughed as blood dripped from the wound. "Wh-what." He cloaked out. Kiara was stunned as she watched Ura withdraw her blade from her brother's chest and he fell unmoving to the ground.

Kiara scramble to her feet. Ura was frozen in place. Slowly Kiara approach the former Galra warrior. "I-I had no choice." Ura said as Kiara rested her hand on her shoulder. "You saved us all." Rising her voice louder. "It's over we are victorious!" Loud cheers rang out through the gathered crowd.

They died down as the Chief approached with Kylo and Nila. "Ura, Kiara." The two Galra looked over at him. "Thank you. You saved not just me and my son's lives but everyone who calls this place home. We are in your debt." He bowed. Ura and Kiara bowed back in respect.

"Do you have to go?" Asked one of Sandrein as Ariana stood in front of her lion. Turning to face the villagers. They had done it. Galra were no more. They all earned back their freedom. Though Kiara knew that Ura paid the biggest price by slaying her own kin.

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"I must. My friends are in trouble because of me. I need to make it right." Kiara explains. Kylo walked up with Ura, Nila and his father.

"Hold on White Lion Warrior. You saved us from the Galra. Let us return the favor." The chief offers her. "You don't have to. You went through so much. This part is my war." Kiara said, looking at everyone.

"We want to. Kiara , let us accompany your friends. We wish to save them like you saved us." Nila said in her soft voice. Kiara stared at them all. Letting out a sigh.

"Alright then. You may send a few with me.. but Galra must stay behind. On our ship are the two remaining Alteans. I'm afraid they fear Galra and hate them." Kiara explains. Ura nods. "We understand. Kylo gets the fighters ready we leave in ten Doboshes."

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"Paladin before we go, I have something to give you." Lunar said as Kiara entered the White Lunar Lion. "What is it?" She asked, turning to where a door opens up. "Proper armor and not that old worn out clothes." Kiara huffed. "Not you too." She half whined. While a purr followed.

Kiara stared at the armor in awe. Walking over to the armor she placed her hand on It opening the pod. 'Okay this might be worth it to hear them call my clothes worn out.' She thought.

Kiara sat in the chair with the small dragon on her lap wrapped in her jacket. Her white and neon light blue armor now replaced her old clothes. The shoulder pads were sharper along with blue points (raven's peek) around her neck the prism crystal hung. Only days ago she managed to finish it and decided it will be the only jewel she would wear from here on out.

The White Lunar Lion stood with twelve ships around it. Kiara let her voice travel to the ship. "Let's roll out team." She said to them.


Then they shot off into the sky following the Lion. "Let's Go!" Kiara shouted.

'Guys hold on. I'm coming back.'

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