(Season 1) Chapter 20

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    "Where am I?" Kiara asked as she found herself wondering through a blizzard. It felt strange. Yet she felt no cold wind or wet feet. "Hello?" She called out. She was in the Castle last time she checked. Stopping she looked around. "Is this a dream?" She asked herself looking around. She didn't feel cold or with wind hitting her.

   A loud rumble made her turn to see. "What the quiznack!" Kiara was in a cave and before was a huge fifty foot winged white wyvern staring at her with sightless red eyes.

   Kiara reached back and froze. 'My dagger? Where is my knife?' Panic took over. "You girl are you who holds my ring?" She jumps and looks at the wyvern. "Y-Your talking."

  "I'm ancient beyond years childhood. By body long dead." He said his mouth not moving. "Where am I? Oh no, the Castle. I have to get back!" She said remembering what was happening.

"Child, you are in the Castle." Kiara looked and gasped seeing her and Shiro both tied up and Lance unmoving next to them. "But.." "I'm connecting with you through the dream plain. "

  Kiara linked. "What?" The wyvern fixed his eyes on her. "I am dead in this ring you were given holds my remaining Quintessence. The veil it gives you has been what is hide your skin and eyes. Thus this is only half of what I have, that's been leaks out for many decades now."

    Her eyes went wide. "So, whenever I am wearing it your spirit is dying?" He blinks "yes." She looks down. "But.."  "Listen. I have lived like this for too long. I am giving you a choice. You alone can use the power I have left. To save your friends or not."

  Kiara looked up. Her blue eyes meet the red ones of the spirit. "What do I have to do?" She asked him as he rumbled.

-line break-

Hunk and Coran had made it to Balmera. Now after they have crashed both stood outside their ship. "Ah, ok, don't come any closer! I don't know how to use this very well." Hunk said trying to act braver than he felt.

The people moving towards them came into the light. A man and woman. The Balmerians of the planet. All four looked to be in shock when they saw each other.

"Wait a minute. You're not Galra."

"Nor are you." Shay said.

"A patrol!" her companion said as a Galra ship flew over head. "Shay, we must take leave from these ones, now." he said put hand on her shoulder.

"Wait please! We need your help." Coran said stopping them in their tracks. The two looked back at the Yellow Paladin and Altean.

"If the Galra find us they'll kill us." Coran said

"Or torture us." Hunk said

"Or keep us as some sort of creepy pet to play with how they please." Coran added.

"Not our problem, Hairy Lips. Galra sees us near yu and they kill both you and us. Shay exeunt!" he said. "No! These many years only Galra have been seen here. I will not turn my back on the sklings." Shay said.


The two ran over to help them moved their ship into a safe cave. "Grab and side. In here. Hurry." he said. Between the two they moved the ship into the cave they just came from. Watching as the Galra ship flew pass them.

Hunk dismissed his bayard. "Thanks for saving us. I'm Hunk." he said to the Balmerians. "Shay. And this one, my brother Rax. How did you fall to us?" she asked Hunk. "Well, we came looking for something. And you guys might be the right people to help us find it."

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