(Season 1) Chapter 34

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The lions took off. Black, Red and Yellow fired from the front while Green and Blue hit the sky. The creature fired a longer beam at them causing the three to dodge the lasers It took off flying after them.

Kiara listened as the green laser fired behind them. She really was hoping this would work. Everyone on Balmera was counting on the Paladins. Then the thing fired two lasers at them. *Okay we've provoked. Time to evade!*Hunk said to them watching the monster fire at them. Yellow pulled off to one side causing the thing to hit the Balmera roaring after them.

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*Princess, we've lured the monster away. It's time. Shiro said as Allura entered the room and turned on the pod she was going to be using. "I'll contact you all when I'm on the ground." Allura told them. "Be careful out there." Coran told her.

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Kiara wasn't sure what was worse. What the Galra are doing to these creatures or Allura coming into danger. *Is that Allura?* Kiara and the others newby saw a pod shooting toward them. Kiara swallowed a lump. 'Please be safe.' she shut her eyes as another wave from the Balmera. Hearing it's cry or not she hated her Azarathian bloodline right now.

Things were empathic, each had different skills and their powers weren't the same. Astra told her so.


"Child stop crying." an old woman said with dark red hair her teal eyes glowed. "B-but.. It hurts.." cried a four year old Kiara. Grumbling. Astra walked over. Kneeling. "I know. Being able to feel others pain isn't fun. Trust me." Astra looked over to the crying girl then at the Crimson Wooly Ferret. "Right now, you must focus on what you can do, not what you can't. Set your own pain aside to help those who need it."

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Kiara shook her head. Astra was right. She had a task to do. She was powerless to help, but maybe helping the inhabitants as what she was meant to do.

Kiara watched as Allura flew closer. "Hanging in there." Then Hunk spoke up. *We have to protect the Princess!* Hunk shouted as the creature locked on Allura.

Yellow flew in taking the hit causing the lion to spark. Shiro landed on his head then shot off. Blue fired it's ice laser attack as it flew by. The thing only broke through it with its eyes. As Red circled around she watched as the Altean princess vanished she let out a breath she was holding.

Allura approached the ground fast. As she shifted the craft into another shape she landed smoothly with the Balmerans waiting for her. "I'm on the ground." she said to them. *Hurry! I don't know how long we can hold this thing off.* Shiro told her as above they shook.

Allura ran over to Shay and her family. "Shay, I'm going to need your help." she said the young female Balmeran.


"Have you contacted the other Balmerans?" asked Aluura.

They looked at each other a bit downcasted. Something was up. "What is it? What's going on?" Allura asked them with urgency and concern.

"All Balmerans give thanks for the kindness you and the paladins bestowed upon us, but atlas, we cannot take leave of our home." Shay told her. "What?" Allura was shocked. "If our great Balmera's life cycle is over because of us, then our desire is to stay with it until the end." Shay told her her family gave the same look agreeing with what was going on.

"But you'll never survive." Allura pointed out. "We contacted the others, and all agreed. It's not right, that you risk your lives for us. Please leave. We ask for no more guilt and shame upon us. " Rax said.

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