(Season 1) Chapter 13

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Kiara and the Paladins we're back in the training deck. She managed to find a sword to barrow. Coran and Allura watched from the main center.

*In order to defeat the gladiator, five Paladins must fight as one. Well in this cause the six of you.*

Then above them a trap door open dropping a robot in. "Whoa." Then it ran at Hunk. As he fired, he missed the gladiator. It swift dodge the Yellow Paladin. It didn't take long for him to be stuck out.

The gladiator went for Pidge next. The Green Paladin blocked a few attacks but got hit out next. Lance fired his gun at the robot. It quickly knocked the gun away and hit him out next.

It turned on Keith who blocked its staff. Kiara barely had time to move as both red and blue Paladins hit her knocking her down. "Get off!" She growled at them as she pushed them off her. Shiro was the only one left now.

He froze in place. "Shiro." Keith moved in blocking the attack. Kiara scrambles to her feet. "Hey snap out of it." She yelled at him. The gladiator managed to knock both of them out. She sighed as it turned off. 'Something's wrong.' She fixed her gaze on their leader.


Allura walked up clearly mad. "That combat simulator was set at a level for an Altean child! You're not even close to working as a team, let alone face Zarkon!"

Kiara glared at her. "Your really starting to get on my last nerve Princess. Your acting like you've been doing this for ages." Kiara watched as everyone helped each other up.

Allura met her head on. "Not good." Shiro said. Everyone watched. "Who are you, to question me? You are not even a Paladin! You don't even belong here. This war doesn't concern you!"

Kiara felt anger build up and *snap* she had enough of all this agronet attitude of hers. "You don't think I don't know THAT! Open up your BLOODY EYES! Some of us have never seen WAR! You're expecting TO MUCH too SOON! NOW GET OFF THAT THRONE AND STOP ACTING LIKE ZARKON!!" Kiara half Yelled and half screamed. She closed her sea colored eyes in frustration. Kiara was sure her body was trembling with anger. Her silver in her eyes turned pale blue in color. Quickly she walked out before she blows her top again.

Allura was taken back in shock. So was everyone else sharing the same bewildered looks. Keith glanced at Shiro, with nodded he ran out of the room. "I never seen her blow up like that ever." Hunk said. "And I only met her and talked with her twice."

"Kiara has a temper. Don't get me wrong. She's yelled at me and Keith a few times. Since we met. But this. She's never yelled like that and with so much emotion in a long time." Shiro explained.

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Keith hurried to catch up with his friend. "Kiara . Kia, wait." He didn't try to hide the concern from his tone. Kiara stopped walking letting him catch up. She didn't turn to face him.

A few heartbeats passed between the two of them. "I-I just need to be alone right now." With that she walked off. 'Thanks for checking.' She thought somberly.

Keith stood there watching her walk away. Turning the corner Kiara was then out of sight.

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Kiara laid on her bed. Her right hand was behind her head, the other one held the dagger he carried. It gave a soft blue glow under the gray fabric. She let out a long sigh. A knocking on the door echoed.

"Kiara. It's Shiro. Coran sent me to get you. We're gonna eat now." The Black Paladin said through her door.

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