(Season 1) Chapter 43

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Kiara managed to see the Galra staring at her shocked as she vanished over the edge. She shut her eyes. Kiara curved her body tensed as they fell. She really didn't want this to happen. Part of her was hoping to stall for time until an idea came to her.  'This it.. I am done for at this rate.' She thought.

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As for the Galra troops. "What did you guys do!" Nila shouted racing to them guns pointed at the Sandreins. "You're too late. You little hero is long dead by now." Kalos said walking his eye glowed with agner. "Your little hero managed to betray me. The little deal is off. I think the two of you will sell nicely." he mentions his soldiers to take them.

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A loud roar rang out causing all the birds to take flight. "What the--" All eyes whipped to the sky as a white blur flew down and fast passed them.

Kiara snapped her eyes open. As she did, they were wide in shock as a huge white lion dove for her. It opened its mouth. Kiara yelped and squeezed her eyes shut as the force knocked her back.

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"Kit? My young paladin". "Huh.... who's calling me?" Kiara gasped out as she sat up with a grunt. "Ugh.. my head. I feel like a fighter jet hit me." She added holding her head. "My young kit are you alright?"

Kiara snapped out of her gaze as she looked around. The place light up neon light blue. A rumble made her look to see her touching. "Lunar?" She gasped as a purr rang in her ears. "What's going on?" She looked and gasped. The dragon laid a few feet from her. Scrambling to it. Pulling it to her. Looking around she was a bit in awe. "Lunar where are we? How are you working?" "Settle down. Come and see." Kiara watched as the walkway lit up and at the end a  speeder. A light smirk she walked to it.

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Kiara felt the seat jolt her forwards and the flight sticks were now in reach. Her hand rested on the baby black dragon wrapped up in her jacket. Letting out a sigh she grasped the control sticks and the Lunar's eyes flashed showing they were hovinger in place and inches from the rocky floor. Kiara's stomach dropped. "Th-that was too close." She said her eyes wide with shock. "Yes it was." Lunar lightly growled.

Kiara lifted Lunar head to the sky. "We have to help them. They saved me when I crashed here." The White Lunar Lion roared out. Smirking she thrust the two flight sticks forwards and the Lion shot up like a rocket to the sky. "LET'S GOOO!" She Howled.

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