(Season 1) Chapter 15

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~Arusian Village~

As for the rest of Team Voltron. They were in the village. Their lions parked just outside the small village. All the Paladins and Alteans were having a good time. Though Keith looked ready to just leave. Hunk was handing out food maybe. Coran was hugging one two were around Allura. They were happy and laughing.

Then the King walked up. "Oh, Lion Goddess, I King of Arusians, formerly beg for your forgiveness. Please have mercy on us and accept our traditional Dance of Apology as atonement for our wrongdoings." They looked confused as he clapped one of the Arusians ran up and began an odd looking dance.

"Please there is no need for this." Allura said. "Moontow, halt!" She stops and the music too. "The goodness has refused the apology. Start the sacrificial fire." One of the Arusians threw a burning stick into wood. "We must throw ourselves in." The King said. "No! No sacrifices!" Allura quickly stopped them. "So, we may proceed with the dance?" He asked her. "Yeah, that's a better alternative." So they continue the dance. As Moontow finished everyone bowed. "Oh my." Allura said.

After a few seconds. "Please, please rise. Thank you for that, but I am not a great being worthy of your worship. I accidentally put you all in danger. It is I who should be apologizing to you. I am princess Allura and these are the Voltron Paladins. Although we originally come from different worlds.... and have very, very, very different traditions, we wish to live alongside you as friends." Allura finished up.

"But the night robotic angel.. has it not come to destroy us because of our immortal ways?" The King asked her.

"Voltron? No. In fact, that mighty robot is here to protect you. Let it be known that Voltron will protect every innocent being, throughout the universe!"

Everyone one cheered running up to the Paladins. Smiles on everyone's face as they hugged the Paladins. Keith tried to move through only to have on jump on him hugging him. Keith was taken back by this. "I don't usually hug strangers, but, uhh.." Keith touched him. "Man you are cuddly." He said to the Arusian. "Thank you." The Arusian said.

~Galra Ship~

"Whoa." Kiara said staring at the huge ship from Black's eyes. The Green Lion was next to them. "Let's land." Shiro said as he guided his lion to the ground. Once they landed they exited the lions and made their way into the ship.

Kiara didn't like this place. Stuff like this just rubbed her the wrong way every time. "Focus." She said to herself as she followed after the two Paladins.

Grabbing Shiro's hand as they jump/flew through the hole. Everything was in ruins. "This looks like the master control broad, but there's no power." Pidge noted as she slid down to it. Kiara and Shiro followed her. "All you need is power?" Shiro asked her. "Yeah, but one that's compatible with Galra tech." The green Paladin explained.

"Shiro. What are you thinking?" Kiara asked him noticing he was looking at his cyborg arm. Then it glowed purple as he activated his arm. Then touch the computer.

"Whoa." The two girls breathed as the whole system came back online. "I can't believe you got this to work." Pidge quickly got the screen up and began to scroll through it.

"My dad's and Matt's whereabouts must be logged in here somewhere. Once I download this information, I'll find some way to decode it back at the Castle." She  didn't look up as the sound of rumbling echoed.

"What the..? Uh, Shiro what is that?!" Kiara asked, staring at a fireball coming at them. "Oh, no." "Shiro, Kia what is it?" Pidge asked, still going through the log of the ship.

"Something just entered the atmosphere. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but it's big, it's Galra, and it's coming right for us." Shiro said to them.

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