(Season 1) Chapter 44

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Kalos was about to march off with Nila and Kylo tried up. He didn't need the girl anymore. His lackey got back to him saying his father was pleased and heading to capture Voltron.

'Foolish half breed you sent your friends to their demise.' He thought. Before he could move a voice made him freeze. "Brother what are you doing?" "Ura!" Nila cried happily. "What are you doing here?" Kylo asked her. Her gold eyes narrowed as she looked at her brother. "You knew she would betray me." he sneered at her. "Yes. She didn't need words to tell me to stand down back there." Ura glared at her brother.

"Ura go back to the others." Nila pleads with the Galra. "You heard her.. Little sister go. I'll even give you a head start on warning the Sandreins." He offered her his gold eyes narrowed. Ura shifts her stance. "I won't, not without them." She said standing her ground.

"Fine. You can share their fate traitor." He said then motioned the soldiers to grab her. Then a loud roar rang out causing everyone to spin as a white lion shot up from below the cliff. Its yellow eyes gazed at  Kalos and the others. Everyone stared in shock and slack jawed.

The lion opened its mouth and fired a blue energy beam at them. Everyone dove for cover. The White Lion flew at them. Kalos starred up as it landed shaking the ground. Another loud roar rang out. Raising a paw to swing sending him and soldiers flying.

Ura stiffen in shock as they stared up at the lion as it looked at them. As it lowered its head. The mouth opened and Kiara stood there arms crossed lean on side smug look on her face. "Need a lift?" She asked the shocked Sandreins and Galra.

Kiara sat back in her chair as her new friends walked up. "This is so amazing." Ura said. Kiara grasps the flight sticks. "Yeah She is." A bit of pride for her lion. "We must get back. Kalos is going to attack our home." Nila said standing to Kiara's right.

Lunar let out a roar. "Don't worry I won't let you guys down. Let's kick his Galra but out of here." Thrusting forward the Lion took off flying back to Sandrein's Village.

-line break-

The villagers gathered around the center of town in a huge circle as the White Lunar Lion land gently on the ground. The jets kicked up loose dust as it touched down. Lowering her head to let her passengers off.

"Shall we?" Kiara jesters to the exit. "Don't worry kit, the little one is fine." Kiara froze looking at the baby dragon near the dashboard, a small barrier around it. Kiara smiled and hurried after the others.

Kiara stood tall with Ura in her right and Kylo on her left. "The time has come... today we don't fight against each other-" Kylo started. "—But, we fight as one. Together with the White Lion we can drive my brother and the others away forever!" Ura spoke up stepping up as well making her voice heard.

Kiara stepped up putting her hands on her friends. Looking from both of them then to the others. "Each one of you standing here wishes for change. By working with each other you all will be putting aside your differences to fight as one planet." Kiara began to address the crowd.

"Those who are children, young mothers and elders go with Dax to the Galra village to Wait the war out." Kylo addresses his people.

"Those who wish to fight with swords and weapons with me and Cloka." Ura spoke up to the crowd.

"As for the rest of you. I need a team of pilots to help me take down their ships and their base. Report to me and your chief." Kiara added nodding to them and everyone broke off.

Kiara looks to Lunar. 'I know we got this.' She watched as a small group of Galra and Sandreins gathered around her. Nila stood with them. "Alright.. let's get you all suited up. Chief leads the way." Kiara orders as they fell into step behind her and their Chief.

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